I would truly welcome some input from friends as I really do need other's perspective. ðŸ˜
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I largely agree, but in the back of my mind, I remember a lot of anons saying we were approaching the precipice a year or so ago. It does seem like things are accelerating but I'm cautiously optimistic.
At times it feels like that precipice is just the horizon and we can never catch it because there will always be a horizon.
And then I look around and remember that most of those around me (blue area) are no closer to awakening.
A lot of what we think wakes people up only seems that way because we pay attention. Still have coworkers that love Disney, parents still happily leave Disney movies on for their kids, etc.
There is definitely lrogress, but I get the frustration. If it were up to me, rip the fucking bandaid off, these are the same normies that bend over wearing masks, what are they going to do? Write a scathing yelp review?
Michigan, I hear you loud and clear (color me frustrated too), but you have to agree that the pace is much faster than it was a year ago. I think we are closer to the Fat Lady Signing than not.