I mean it's not really 19 year olds saying that, hard to have your soul crushed by just 2 semesters of loans. It's the 25+ crowd that graduated and see the final price tag saying it. Not that it makes this meme any less valid just saying.
I think people are ok with the terms of the loans, under the assumption that the future USA is what they were promised. The current state of the country is far short of what I was promised when I decided to go to college. Also some majors have been misled about the marketability of their degrees. That’s a little different than “durr I don’t know how compound interest works”
I am sorry, but who exactly promised you a result based on your education? And why would you believe it without some serious research? And I don't know how much you borrowed, but it's simple math. I went to college because it was a way to be a more well rounded person.
I’m not personally worried about student loans, I’m trying to see others’ perspectives. I said some majors were “misled” about their degrees, not “promised”.
The promise that was broken was the US Constitution. Our rights to property and to self determination were violated by bribed politicians passing the Affordable Care Act and mandating that we purchase the products of a cartel of health insurance corporations. Our rights to peaceful assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of movement were violated by the government when they illegitimately locked down the economy, supposedly for covid. Our right to bodily autonomy was endangered by Biden’s vaxx mandate.
When I was a teenager, if TPTB admitted that when I’m a little older, they’re going to shred the Constitution and violate many of our basic human rights and sabotage the economy in order to make it more difficult to earn a living and pay our bills, then I wouldn’t have bothered with college or going out on a limb for anything. It was a contract under false pretenses. When the government viciously violates people, previous agreements are off.
Blame the public school system that spent more time teaching kids about gender and racial intersectionality than return on investment and the high wages paid to scarce skill sets.
I mean it's not really 19 year olds saying that, hard to have your soul crushed by just 2 semesters of loans. It's the 25+ crowd that graduated and see the final price tag saying it. Not that it makes this meme any less valid just saying.
I think people are ok with the terms of the loans, under the assumption that the future USA is what they were promised. The current state of the country is far short of what I was promised when I decided to go to college. Also some majors have been misled about the marketability of their degrees. That’s a little different than “durr I don’t know how compound interest works”
They hated him because he told the truth.
I know. I was agreeing with you by way of mocking those downvoting you. It irritates me when people here get nasty when you bring up student loans.
And there's that.
I am sorry, but who exactly promised you a result based on your education? And why would you believe it without some serious research? And I don't know how much you borrowed, but it's simple math. I went to college because it was a way to be a more well rounded person.
I’m not personally worried about student loans, I’m trying to see others’ perspectives. I said some majors were “misled” about their degrees, not “promised”.
The promise that was broken was the US Constitution. Our rights to property and to self determination were violated by bribed politicians passing the Affordable Care Act and mandating that we purchase the products of a cartel of health insurance corporations. Our rights to peaceful assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of movement were violated by the government when they illegitimately locked down the economy, supposedly for covid. Our right to bodily autonomy was endangered by Biden’s vaxx mandate.
When I was a teenager, if TPTB admitted that when I’m a little older, they’re going to shred the Constitution and violate many of our basic human rights and sabotage the economy in order to make it more difficult to earn a living and pay our bills, then I wouldn’t have bothered with college or going out on a limb for anything. It was a contract under false pretenses. When the government viciously violates people, previous agreements are off.
Blame the public school system that spent more time teaching kids about gender and racial intersectionality than return on investment and the high wages paid to scarce skill sets.