"Having an invisible friend" is something that a surprising number of children go through, and I didn't mean to lever that fact into implying that logically it is therefore childish to believe in god. Was not trying to be disrespectful; I just like to talk about things I don''t understand.
It's ramadan; my muslim friends believe in allah and I don't. I assume you don't either. So what I am getting at is please explain why you would like me to share your belief but not that of the muslims?
I don't have a belief, I have faith, not the same thing.
One can believe anything, faith is knowing.
There's only one God, however people interpret him, and whatever cults they follow is none of my concern, religion is a personal experience, not a group activity.
Also, I couldn't care less whether you share it or not, finding God is your responsibility, even if I cared, there's nothing I can do about it, only you can seek it.
All I did was give a direct response to an obvious, and old, atheist troll bait.
Because the venn diagram on that one is almost a perfect circle.
Though I myself don't assume such, my assumption is a little different
< 30 and doesn't believe in the "invisible friend" == child
, > 30 and doesn't believe in the "invisible friend" == idiot
"Having an invisible friend" is something that a surprising number of children go through, and I didn't mean to lever that fact into implying that logically it is therefore childish to believe in god. Was not trying to be disrespectful; I just like to talk about things I don''t understand.
It's ramadan; my muslim friends believe in allah and I don't. I assume you don't either. So what I am getting at is please explain why you would like me to share your belief but not that of the muslims?
I don't have a belief, I have faith, not the same thing.
One can believe anything, faith is knowing.
There's only one God, however people interpret him, and whatever cults they follow is none of my concern, religion is a personal experience, not a group activity.
Also, I couldn't care less whether you share it or not, finding God is your responsibility, even if I cared, there's nothing I can do about it, only you can seek it.
All I did was give a direct response to an obvious, and old, atheist troll bait.