I agree completely. Full disclosure on the 2020 election and the restoration of our republic to its previous operating status is wholly dependent on an overwhelming majority of Americans waking up from the spell cast over us by the MSM/Dems/DS/Uniparty.
If we'd been at 80% awake status at the time of the 2020 election heist, then they might've been able to do something about it before the steal was completed. We weren't, and while we're infinitely more aware of the Uniparty con now than many Americans were on Jan. 19, 2021, we've still got a long way to go.
If Barr had dropped the hammer before Sleepy took office, the MSM would've whipped otherwise well-meaning Americans into an outrage du jour frenzy that would've resulted in Civil War. The antics of this sham administration have worked to red pill Americans in a way that we never could with memes, before the election theft.
I agree completely. Full disclosure on the 2020 election and the restoration of our republic to its previous operating status is wholly dependent on an overwhelming majority of Americans waking up from the spell cast over us by the MSM/Dems/DS/Uniparty.
If we'd been at 80% awake status at the time of the 2020 election heist, then they might've been able to do something about it before the steal was completed. We weren't, and while we're infinitely more aware of the Uniparty con now than many Americans were on Jan. 19, 2021, we've still got a long way to go.
If Barr had dropped the hammer before Sleepy took office, the MSM would've whipped otherwise well-meaning Americans into an outrage du jour frenzy that would've resulted in Civil War. The antics of this sham administration have worked to red pill Americans in a way that we never could with memes, before the election theft.
Arresting well known people for election fraud would go a long way to wake people up ffs.