"On Thursday morning, footage of a bizarre cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain sparked a tweetstorm as people searched for answers."
If this is their next false flag, they get bonus points for imagination.
"On Thursday morning, footage of a bizarre cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain sparked a tweetstorm as people searched for answers."
If this is their next false flag, they get bonus points for imagination.
Wow. That doesn't even look like a normal chemtrail, and it certainly is no contrail.
The typical Cabalist is sophomoric in their 'illumination'.
As their Oracle is now a computer, the prophet is lowered to futurist writer of fiction and propaganda, and the priest a figure head in rituals that play hide and seek with the actual Truth.
The poison in the Apple.
That snake constantly falls from Grace, the one thing it does NOT know.
It's just one more lame ass attempt to terrorize.
Bears, snakes on the plane, sharks, spiders fell from the sky last month...Giant Spiders From Mars by David Bowie via Robert Heinlein
repeat ad nauseum
"Their need for symbols will (should) be their downfall"
Once they are learned.
No way it's a contrail. Also definitely not a 'giant snake from space', what is up with your title?
Lol yea the "next false flag" is literally just a cloud, but really its reptilians, right??
Didn't think anyone would take it seriously. :)
Yeah, thats not a chemtrail or a contrail. Not sure what it is, but it is certainly interesting. Would've really liked to see that first hand. Sound, pieces breaking off, colors or different smoke patterns. The pictures are excellent, but a video would be very helpful