The problem is we're divided. Roughly 1/3 are useless Democrats and will mostly always be barring some sort of come to Jesus moment. The middle third don't care for extremes and tend to bounce back and forth depending on who is better at manipulating them that election cycle. These people are how you end up with folks like Barack Obama elected. And the remaining 1/3 are Republican, but unfortunately even that group has a contingent of useless fools that vote for people like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins and Murkowski.
My only issue is that we can't be sure the elections that elect these horrible people are truly elections that have not been sabotaged in one way or another. We have and probably, always will, blame the voter for their own mess. If the 2020 election hadn't been so obviously stolen, we may have never known about the theft and maybe past elections have been being treated the way 2020 was--but weren't so obvious to the electorate.
Lmfao yeah, people are still wearing masks and you hope they are going to wake up and stand up? We are fucked as a society. Luckily, Puppets and Elites are screwing themselves up
This meme/art always fascinates me, came out yrs ago. Total classic
The problem is we're divided. Roughly 1/3 are useless Democrats and will mostly always be barring some sort of come to Jesus moment. The middle third don't care for extremes and tend to bounce back and forth depending on who is better at manipulating them that election cycle. These people are how you end up with folks like Barack Obama elected. And the remaining 1/3 are Republican, but unfortunately even that group has a contingent of useless fools that vote for people like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins and Murkowski.
My only issue is that we can't be sure the elections that elect these horrible people are truly elections that have not been sabotaged in one way or another. We have and probably, always will, blame the voter for their own mess. If the 2020 election hadn't been so obviously stolen, we may have never known about the theft and maybe past elections have been being treated the way 2020 was--but weren't so obvious to the electorate.
Too many Sheeple.
Great image!!!!
What do all of the people at the table have in common.?
I don't nose!
Left arm forward. Wearing suits, and oldish.
Lmfao yeah, people are still wearing masks and you hope they are going to wake up and stand up? We are fucked as a society. Luckily, Puppets and Elites are screwing themselves up