It's manufactured hate of the ideology. The attacking of it, legitimizes it to the adherents.
This isn't complicated, man.
Speaking of castration... Doesn't your book have genital mutilation issues with regards to circumcision?
I appreciate your comment but the love and kindness you believe your religion is responsible for, has been around long before a book was written in an attempt to patent good, decent human behavior like Christianity has a monopoly on it. Kindness is a human trait, not a Christian one. We're not cursed and we're not inherently bad as your book implies.
I recommend looking into the Council of Nicea if you haven't already.
Lol you're right, it isn't complicated. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me".
So I will strive to be like Jesus, and I will constantly come up short, but I will seek to emulate him in this life.
Also, I'm not a Christian fundamentalist, I just see alot of value in the Bibles teachings. There is no religion in the Bible after all. Religion developed AFTER the Bible.
I don't think the Bible claims circumcision has anything to do with righteousness. I always thought that was a Jewish concept that was thrown into Christian doctrine at some point, but I personally think it is unnatural to circumcise and that all the benefits described aren't based in fact. (Your penis doesn't spontaneously become infected if you're uncircumcised. And I believe sex feels even better than if uncircumcised. Of course I have no means of comparison, it just feels like it flows better to have that skin there)
Anywho, I'm sure some version of love and kindness existed before biblical times, but a foundation of morality rooted in being able to choose between self gratification and love, and choosing love, did not.
Religion forms the backbone of morality for a civilized society. I think its just as important for the possibility of technological development as agriculture itself.
I see value in its teachings as well. Doesn't make it gospel.
I understand your perspective but disagree. I personally feel religion is a net negative (Christianity is a religion). It offers some good things but at too much cost. Truth is, we don't need ancient books of suspect origins to show us. Just live in kindness each day and you'll see it's the best way to live, no religion necessary.
If that works for you, good, it doesn't work for me. Like I've said 100 times over. Christianity and its god aren't good enough for me. I have stricter standards.
It's manufactured hate of the ideology. The attacking of it, legitimizes it to the adherents.
This isn't complicated, man.
Speaking of castration... Doesn't your book have genital mutilation issues with regards to circumcision?
I appreciate your comment but the love and kindness you believe your religion is responsible for, has been around long before a book was written in an attempt to patent good, decent human behavior like Christianity has a monopoly on it. Kindness is a human trait, not a Christian one. We're not cursed and we're not inherently bad as your book implies.
I recommend looking into the Council of Nicea if you haven't already.
Lol you're right, it isn't complicated. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me".
So I will strive to be like Jesus, and I will constantly come up short, but I will seek to emulate him in this life.
Also, I'm not a Christian fundamentalist, I just see alot of value in the Bibles teachings. There is no religion in the Bible after all. Religion developed AFTER the Bible.
I don't think the Bible claims circumcision has anything to do with righteousness. I always thought that was a Jewish concept that was thrown into Christian doctrine at some point, but I personally think it is unnatural to circumcise and that all the benefits described aren't based in fact. (Your penis doesn't spontaneously become infected if you're uncircumcised. And I believe sex feels even better than if uncircumcised. Of course I have no means of comparison, it just feels like it flows better to have that skin there)
Anywho, I'm sure some version of love and kindness existed before biblical times, but a foundation of morality rooted in being able to choose between self gratification and love, and choosing love, did not.
Religion forms the backbone of morality for a civilized society. I think its just as important for the possibility of technological development as agriculture itself.
I see value in its teachings as well. Doesn't make it gospel.
I understand your perspective but disagree. I personally feel religion is a net negative (Christianity is a religion). It offers some good things but at too much cost. Truth is, we don't need ancient books of suspect origins to show us. Just live in kindness each day and you'll see it's the best way to live, no religion necessary.
It doesn't sound like you're disagreeing at all then. I also agree that there is rampant corruption throughout institutionalized/organized religion.
Which is why I follow the teachings of the Bible, as well as what God shows me through my own life.
That doesn't make me a Christian. I don't identify with any religion. I just try and develop my personal relationship with what I believe God to be.
If that works for you, good, it doesn't work for me. Like I've said 100 times over. Christianity and its god aren't good enough for me. I have stricter standards.