I think it's possible that Hunter, disgusted with his family and the larger system of abuse on minors by politicians, purposely set out to try to help bring it down. I'm still less than 50-50 on this but here's why I think it's possible:
That last paragraph you mentioned.
He never came back for his laptop, even knowing all the shit that was on it (including the not deleted stuff).
His internet history. Lots and lots and lots...and lots of porn. But no "barely legal" porn or anything about young girls. It was all the "MILF" type variety.
Compare and contrast the pics of him with a child with pics of him exposing himself for adult women. He does not look happy at all in the pic with his wang out in front of what appears to be a little girl. While in the nudes he sends to adult women, he looks much more in his element. (Edit: btw that pic of him with his wang out in front of a little girl just screams "brownstoning!" to me. It's clearly taken by someone who knocked on the door and then they snapped the photo right after he answered the door. And then at some point I assume they sent him the photo as a reminder that they have his balls in a vice grip.)
While his choices in women are a bit sketchy (his brothers ex, and then a family member), they are 30+ in age.
At one point in a text message conversation with a romantic interest who is asking why he won't talk to her anymore, he says something about being a horrible person.
I think maybe he was forced into some pedo shit and hates himself and his father and TPTB for it.
Again, I still think it's less than a 50% chance that this is what it is, but it's worth considering.
Wow. I just looked that up and to quote Sin City, "And just like that, a whopper of a puzzle piece falls smack into my lap."
I hella don't want to let myself believe in this and be wrong, because I hate pedos more than anything other than dog abusers, but...reading his texts I...can't lie, I kinda like the dude lol.
If i was still a degenerate partying youth i'd probably think he's a fun character, the spyware on all his relatives phones is interesting xD That would explain the text message logs from ashleys phone.
I feel pretty sure that Hunter's mum committed suicide by driving into a truck with all her kids. Hunter survived but must know that she did it to take them out of Joe's reach. The lakes tattoo on his back is interesting, think his mum was somehow connected with that area. The laptop his his way of getting revenge. I feel sorry for him, never stood a chance of having a normal life. God only knows what he went through.
Yeah that's what I think he says the tattoo is for but also it seems to be a sort of hotbed for child trafficking.
Either way I'm 99-100% that he has sexually assaulted at least one child. But imo there's a difference between the ones born into this type of life and the ones who choose it. I mean if you grow up in a family where your dad is showering with your sister and no doubt raping all kinds of children and your family is hella connected to the NWO secret societies and/or Cabal, then the blame cannot be put on the person just being evil. Programmed for evil I think would be a better explanation.
That last paragraph, Joe Biden is in deep doo doo...
Could be a part of his plea agreement to duck the noose.
I think it's possible that Hunter, disgusted with his family and the larger system of abuse on minors by politicians, purposely set out to try to help bring it down. I'm still less than 50-50 on this but here's why I think it's possible:
That last paragraph you mentioned.
He never came back for his laptop, even knowing all the shit that was on it (including the not deleted stuff).
His internet history. Lots and lots and lots...and lots of porn. But no "barely legal" porn or anything about young girls. It was all the "MILF" type variety.
Compare and contrast the pics of him with a child with pics of him exposing himself for adult women. He does not look happy at all in the pic with his wang out in front of what appears to be a little girl. While in the nudes he sends to adult women, he looks much more in his element. (Edit: btw that pic of him with his wang out in front of a little girl just screams "brownstoning!" to me. It's clearly taken by someone who knocked on the door and then they snapped the photo right after he answered the door. And then at some point I assume they sent him the photo as a reminder that they have his balls in a vice grip.)
While his choices in women are a bit sketchy (his brothers ex, and then a family member), they are 30+ in age.
At one point in a text message conversation with a romantic interest who is asking why he won't talk to her anymore, he says something about being a horrible person.
I think maybe he was forced into some pedo shit and hates himself and his father and TPTB for it.
Again, I still think it's less than a 50% chance that this is what it is, but it's worth considering.
Didn't Q suggest that Hunter intentionally did this in drop #4891?
Wow. I just looked that up and to quote Sin City, "And just like that, a whopper of a puzzle piece falls smack into my lap."
I hella don't want to let myself believe in this and be wrong, because I hate pedos more than anything other than dog abusers, but...reading his texts I...can't lie, I kinda like the dude lol.
If i was still a degenerate partying youth i'd probably think he's a fun character, the spyware on all his relatives phones is interesting xD That would explain the text message logs from ashleys phone.
I feel pretty sure that Hunter's mum committed suicide by driving into a truck with all her kids. Hunter survived but must know that she did it to take them out of Joe's reach. The lakes tattoo on his back is interesting, think his mum was somehow connected with that area. The laptop his his way of getting revenge. I feel sorry for him, never stood a chance of having a normal life. God only knows what he went through.
Yeah that's what I think he says the tattoo is for but also it seems to be a sort of hotbed for child trafficking.
Either way I'm 99-100% that he has sexually assaulted at least one child. But imo there's a difference between the ones born into this type of life and the ones who choose it. I mean if you grow up in a family where your dad is showering with your sister and no doubt raping all kinds of children and your family is hella connected to the NWO secret societies and/or Cabal, then the blame cannot be put on the person just being evil. Programmed for evil I think would be a better explanation.
There was that skit of Jim Carey joking about "a lot of people go missing in the finger lakes!" I believe it was on SNL