If you take all my comments in this thread as a whole, I think it's clear that I'm not trying to do that. Actually everything I've said is fact except the speculation about the pic of him with a young girl, and then just bringing up a possible scenario (which still included him molesting kids).
Though maybe it's not a bad thing to have some level of sympathy for such people (but still despise them also) who were born into this stuff, as Isaac Kappy said.
He breaks my heart tbh. Such a waste of human being. I don't mean that in a derogatory way but very literally. He is so broken. Abuse is clearly a cycle difficult to break, and maybe that's why I still feel sorry for this guy, while detesting the things he has done. The difference between Hunter and his father, it seems to me, is that Joe isn't broken or even bothered by who he is or what he has done. He's a sociopath and/or more likely, a psychopath.
Yes, exactly! You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say earlier.
It's kinda the same way I feel about MJ: that he might have been involved in the same stuff, but he was born into it and forced into it by his father and TPTB within that industry. But I still hold out some hope that MJ was actually completely innocent. He just seemed like one of the most kindhearted people of all time.
The Michael Jackson thing is very confusing to me. That they made a Netflix special about it essentially trying to prove he was a pedo, makes me think maybe he wasn't. But McCauley Culkin is pretty out there and he is now MJ's daughter Paris's Godfather. Some very strange symbolism going on between them, bunny ears and all. I am sure Culkin was a victim with his Pizza Underground band and bunny ears website, etc. Just not sure if he is a victimizer.
If you take all my comments in this thread as a whole, I think it's clear that I'm not trying to do that. Actually everything I've said is fact except the speculation about the pic of him with a young girl, and then just bringing up a possible scenario (which still included him molesting kids).
Though maybe it's not a bad thing to have some level of sympathy for such people (but still despise them also) who were born into this stuff, as Isaac Kappy said.
He breaks my heart tbh. Such a waste of human being. I don't mean that in a derogatory way but very literally. He is so broken. Abuse is clearly a cycle difficult to break, and maybe that's why I still feel sorry for this guy, while detesting the things he has done. The difference between Hunter and his father, it seems to me, is that Joe isn't broken or even bothered by who he is or what he has done. He's a sociopath and/or more likely, a psychopath.
Yes, exactly! You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say earlier.
It's kinda the same way I feel about MJ: that he might have been involved in the same stuff, but he was born into it and forced into it by his father and TPTB within that industry. But I still hold out some hope that MJ was actually completely innocent. He just seemed like one of the most kindhearted people of all time.
The Michael Jackson thing is very confusing to me. That they made a Netflix special about it essentially trying to prove he was a pedo, makes me think maybe he wasn't. But McCauley Culkin is pretty out there and he is now MJ's daughter Paris's Godfather. Some very strange symbolism going on between them, bunny ears and all. I am sure Culkin was a victim with his Pizza Underground band and bunny ears website, etc. Just not sure if he is a victimizer.