and this is just the "all star" team list...100s more behind these...Blackrock, Vanguard, Disney, BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, Vatican/Pope, DC Police, major hospitals, NFL, NBA, MLB, Amazon, pharmaceuticals, ....
Talk about red pilling the public!
What a great reveal this would be. (That these companies are more like extensions of intelligence agencies. aka deep state.)
and this is just the "all star" team list...100s more behind these...Blackrock, Vanguard, Disney, BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, Vatican/Pope, DC Police, major hospitals, NFL, NBA, MLB, Amazon, pharmaceuticals, ....
Wow ... great job!!! all I came up with is Fox!
Talk about red pilling the public! What a great reveal this would be. (That these companies are more like extensions of intelligence agencies. aka deep state.)
Concast, at@t...
And. . .they are all for sale. . .bought already!
Forgot the DNC
It's not enough for them.
It's never enough for them. They are reapers coming for our worlds.
They are locusts coming for our crops.
It never ends. They will never stop taking. They are the ones who bleed this world dry.
He forgot Fox.
They died long before that, but election night was just them tipping their hand so far that everyone could see it.
The Resistance! For the people!!!!!
... adl, naacp, southern poverty law center, most if not all ngo's
Twitter is the comments section
Forgot the DOJ...