Got this ban from major Reddit sub's mods after I commented re: the Bucha massacre. IF ONLY YOU KNEW HOW BAD IT REALLY IS. New rule: the next person to compare the GAW mod team to "Reddit-tards" mods will have a pair of rabid, frothing German shepheds sent directly to their IP address!
PUTIN created those Nazis!
Moderating a forum is difficult. Lots of energy and time go into it. One of the hardest things is not succumbing to the power trip—the superior, holier-than-thou, hoity-toity dictator schtick where you talk down to lowly forum members from an ivory tower as if they were parasites.
It's an uneven playing field, and they know it.
Mods get to talk to you in the most sarcastically and viciously condescending, hateful, personally insulting way (see OP's experience); and you don't get to even think of objecting, let alone reciprocating. They can and will gleefully ban you for questioning something they say or stating an opinion they disagree with; you can't even register a legitimate complaint against them. It's taboo. They're an invisible, unvetted, unaccountable authority over your ability to express yourself among your peers—about things far more important than some neckbeard's overinflated ego.
Perfect example = OP. No one should ever be talked to like that by a moderator. The moderator should never have been given the responsibility and should be removed immediately.
The best ones (and we have quite a few here on GAW!) nobly resist these powerful tendencies to abuse their 'authority', and they serve the members as one of the People. Kudos to you guys (you know who you are :)
Jesus Christ, it's a fucking online message board,.who gives a shit? Some people worship any small corner of power they can secure.
Wonder how they'll look back once all this shit is deleted eventually forever. Just look at MySpace: try to get any song to play or navigate the site. It's mash.
All sites become mash without proper upkeep/interest and if the people they pay to keep the databases for any site organized and maintained are no longer paid or say fuck you and decide to pull the site as one final act of vengeance, there went all of that "hard work" you put into it
I'm using these boards as I can now to sound the alarm and reach as many eyes as possible. Their bans mean nothing if I reach just one person . Pathetic cardboard virtual kingdoms that miss the true power of the platform.
One normie forum I was banned from for a similar thought process.
My last communication with that mod was laughing and mocking him for being the person who could be most corrupted over the least amount of people on a forum that peaked at 100 users.
Of course, out of that 100, 97 of them were insane leftists.
Honestly mods should be there to just remove stuff that's illegal: things the actual website owner would get in trouble for just for having on his server. Then after that let the users up vote down vote stuff set up a threshold where with enough down votes the thing gets hidden but people can optionally bring it up to read it if they want.
I think the accountability is the crux of this issue. Do away with hidden, or "quiet" bans and suspensions. Ultra transparency. A moderator should have to publicly post what actions they're taking and why.
And there should be a legitimate appeal process besides appealing to the same person or people who just banned/suspended you.