I agree that the prophets clearly indicate that fire-offerings of the first born were not what God would ask. Instead he requires righteousness, humbleness and and love for thy neighbor.
However, that said, how well have you read your bible?
It is quite clear that human commandments were taught as a means to force observance and compliance. Think the question about who is my neighbor. This question is a direct result of Deuteronomy and the teaching of human commandments.
The moral law of the 10 commandments, these are in effect property rules, are quite clear. Y
no strange gods or idols. I am YOUR God who bought you = property;
no stealing = property;
no false witness = reputation/ lying = property;
no sex with neighbor's wife = stealing as wife = property.
honor they father and mother = > fruit of the belly = property.
Sabbath = Gods day = rest = property.
Shall I go on? once you see the values behind those laws, you do not need 10. 2 is all you would need.
" love god above all else and your neighbor as yourself" - Jesus.
" if you do not love your neighbor, whom you have seen, you cannot love God, whom you have not seen" . - John
Easy peasy, max freedom and room for spirituality, instead of the works of the law, that only leads to one outcome: death.
When you move from this to the books I referenced, you will find something shocking, like Hamlet shocked his mother. Nowhere in the older books will you find strict adherence or even reference to Deuteronomy, Leviticus or numbers. These were later additions and attributions. instead you will find condemnation towards their animal sacrifices, their new moons, their sabbaths.
But, yet, they were sent into captivity. Why? For not holding the sabbath. Compliance. Not for something else.
They even give us the clue to that when in Josiah' s time, somewhere ins some remote recess of the temple, the books of Moses were found. That puts the writing of it straight into the 6th century/ 5th century.
When we now compare Nehemiah and Ezra to the above referenced books, you' ll find a radical, ethnocentric, supremacy seeking, hate-towards-others type of system based on strict compliance, enforced by the priest-class.
Compare this to the talmud .... you' ll be amazed.
When you read your bible carefully, you will find, Judea, Benjamin and the Levites are a different breed than the other 10 tribes. O yes, the latter are demonized. But that is usually done by the victors is it not? Who would challenge their contentions?
So, you can let others deny this for you, as much as you want. It does not change the facts. Once you are able to see through these mind games, you really are on the road to freedom.
Much of what the old testaments believers i.e. (Gods people) were confronted with were Satans attempts to kill the Christ line.
God did many things in representation to keep His people believing the promise of genesis 3:15. The law, all of it was a foreshadowing of Christ coming.
God had a heck of a time 7ntil Mary said to Gabriel "behold the handmade of the Lord" hand made is doulee (gr). Feminine for the sold out committed servant.
She was the first to believe the promise. And hence we got our Savior.
Much of what the old testaments believers i.e. (Gods people) were confronted with were Satans attempts to kill the Christ line.
If that is your view, Good for you! To me it is nothing more than a story. Whether it concerns real men, I have no way of confirming.
God did many things in representation to keep His people believing the promise of genesis 3:15.
Yes, God is attributed with many things, like if they kept his commandments, he would bring the rains. Taking other people' s spiritual experiences as the undisputed truth, to me, seems illogical and alien. Although, I feel a closer kinship to the Jesus teachings than to the Pauline or Moses stories.
David, when I was a small boy, really was a hero to me. However, when I reached the age of reason and started reading for myself, what really totally made me disgust him was the story about him cutting the muscles of the horses. That is cruelty of a an unfathomable nature. Or how about Samson, cutting of the dicks of dead soldiers. Sociopaths, the lot of them.
The law, all of it was a foreshadowing of Christ coming.
Yes, so says Paul. I found his reasonings to be nice, but I consider it rather pharisaic. A lot of noise with some useful things. What you just quoted is not one of them. That one is confirmation bias. Not of you, but of Paul, and he had a vested interest to opine as such. Try and find confirmation of what you just said in the OT. .... Only post hoc reconstruction can do that.
God had a heck of a time.....
I do not grasp your meaning ....Was it jolly good, did he have enough time to allow one of his angels to become a deceiving spirit ....or was it a terrible time?
And how would you know? Did he tell you? I have not heard such.
See, when I read these stories, I am reminded of all those stories from the holohoax. Stories of people who are backward in relation to modern technology and the modern world. (See Daniel: Sadrach, Mesach and Abednego)
Mary said to Gabriel "behold the handmade of the Lord" hand made is doulee (gr). Feminine for the sold out committed servant.
You know Koine Greek! Nice!
I have to laugh deviously, though. My girl told me something akin, after 1 week of having sex. ....But all kidding aside ... this is exactly the point is it not? She knows exactly what to say to her man. And I eat it, hook line and sinker. What an afrodisiac!
How would you value such a story today: Your soon to be wife comes to you and says: listen I am pregnant by holy spirit because an angel visited me ..... ? I think Joseph is a nice guy. And Mary must have been quite the milf.
I am not going to debate your last contention.
I agree that the prophets clearly indicate that fire-offerings of the first born were not what God would ask. Instead he requires righteousness, humbleness and and love for thy neighbor.
However, that said, how well have you read your bible?
It is quite clear that human commandments were taught as a means to force observance and compliance. Think the question about who is my neighbor. This question is a direct result of Deuteronomy and the teaching of human commandments.
The moral law of the 10 commandments, these are in effect property rules, are quite clear. Y
Shall I go on? once you see the values behind those laws, you do not need 10. 2 is all you would need.
" love god above all else and your neighbor as yourself" - Jesus.
" if you do not love your neighbor, whom you have seen, you cannot love God, whom you have not seen" . - John
Easy peasy, max freedom and room for spirituality, instead of the works of the law, that only leads to one outcome: death.
When you move from this to the books I referenced, you will find something shocking, like Hamlet shocked his mother. Nowhere in the older books will you find strict adherence or even reference to Deuteronomy, Leviticus or numbers. These were later additions and attributions. instead you will find condemnation towards their animal sacrifices, their new moons, their sabbaths.
But, yet, they were sent into captivity. Why? For not holding the sabbath. Compliance. Not for something else.
They even give us the clue to that when in Josiah' s time, somewhere ins some remote recess of the temple, the books of Moses were found. That puts the writing of it straight into the 6th century/ 5th century.
When we now compare Nehemiah and Ezra to the above referenced books, you' ll find a radical, ethnocentric, supremacy seeking, hate-towards-others type of system based on strict compliance, enforced by the priest-class.
Compare this to the talmud .... you' ll be amazed.
When you read your bible carefully, you will find, Judea, Benjamin and the Levites are a different breed than the other 10 tribes. O yes, the latter are demonized. But that is usually done by the victors is it not? Who would challenge their contentions?
So, you can let others deny this for you, as much as you want. It does not change the facts. Once you are able to see through these mind games, you really are on the road to freedom.
The other option is their yoke. And it's heavy.
Much of what the old testaments believers i.e. (Gods people) were confronted with were Satans attempts to kill the Christ line.
God did many things in representation to keep His people believing the promise of genesis 3:15. The law, all of it was a foreshadowing of Christ coming.
God had a heck of a time 7ntil Mary said to Gabriel "behold the handmade of the Lord" hand made is doulee (gr). Feminine for the sold out committed servant.
She was the first to believe the promise. And hence we got our Savior.
If that is your view, Good for you! To me it is nothing more than a story. Whether it concerns real men, I have no way of confirming.
Yes, God is attributed with many things, like if they kept his commandments, he would bring the rains. Taking other people' s spiritual experiences as the undisputed truth, to me, seems illogical and alien. Although, I feel a closer kinship to the Jesus teachings than to the Pauline or Moses stories.
David, when I was a small boy, really was a hero to me. However, when I reached the age of reason and started reading for myself, what really totally made me disgust him was the story about him cutting the muscles of the horses. That is cruelty of a an unfathomable nature. Or how about Samson, cutting of the dicks of dead soldiers. Sociopaths, the lot of them.
Yes, so says Paul. I found his reasonings to be nice, but I consider it rather pharisaic. A lot of noise with some useful things. What you just quoted is not one of them. That one is confirmation bias. Not of you, but of Paul, and he had a vested interest to opine as such. Try and find confirmation of what you just said in the OT. .... Only post hoc reconstruction can do that.
I do not grasp your meaning ....Was it jolly good, did he have enough time to allow one of his angels to become a deceiving spirit ....or was it a terrible time?
And how would you know? Did he tell you? I have not heard such.
See, when I read these stories, I am reminded of all those stories from the holohoax. Stories of people who are backward in relation to modern technology and the modern world. (See Daniel: Sadrach, Mesach and Abednego)
You know Koine Greek! Nice!
I have to laugh deviously, though. My girl told me something akin, after 1 week of having sex. ....But all kidding aside ... this is exactly the point is it not? She knows exactly what to say to her man. And I eat it, hook line and sinker. What an afrodisiac!
How would you value such a story today: Your soon to be wife comes to you and says: listen I am pregnant by holy spirit because an angel visited me ..... ? I think Joseph is a nice guy. And Mary must have been quite the milf.
One of 14, I belief. I lost count. Sorry.
Why are there two commandments for having sex with another outside of marriage? (ergo, 7th and 10th)?
You have to ask? You either know the answer or are completely without knowledge.
How do you read?
I do know the answer. The question still stands though. Can you answer?
If you do know the answer why ask?
Shitposting has been going since at least 1900 years, as it is a typical Pharisee thing. Read you gospel. You'll find the same circumstance.
I am giving you the same courtesy. How do you read?