Q said Disney was a distraction. Dunno what that really means in regards to this punisher logo copyright revision thing.
at any rate i'll revise my statement and ask, "why has Disney only done half a project with the Punisher?" The punisher is arguably one of the most badass heroes in the MCU. Perhaps they intend on killing off the Punisher? If that's the case then why?
Why is the ship flying the Disney Punisher flag?
Did Disney own the comic company that made the punisher logo a long time ago? No
since purchasing Marvel, why has Disney done zero projects with the Punisher and have also refused to enforce their copyright on the logo?
Not true. Disney’s ABC Studios and Marvel produced The Punisher series that streamed on Netflix starting in 2017. Disney bought Marvel in 2009.
True, Marvel has revised the Punisher skull logo effective this year do to its widespread use outside of the comic book character.
Q said Disney was a distraction. Dunno what that really means in regards to this punisher logo copyright revision thing.
at any rate i'll revise my statement and ask, "why has Disney only done half a project with the Punisher?" The punisher is arguably one of the most badass heroes in the MCU. Perhaps they intend on killing off the Punisher? If that's the case then why?
An even better question, why does Q use it in posts?
IMO Because when Disney is destroyed, it will become ours. To the victor belongs the spoils kind of thing.
Sweet Sweet Storm of Reality:
Welcome to THE PUNISHER, Disney Freaks! No One Can Stop What Is Coming! Enjoy the ride!!