The same fraud we witnessed in 2020, also occurred with the passages of the 16th and 17th Amendments.
"In 1984 Bill Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified. He continued his research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.; it was here that Bill found his Golden Key." This damning piece of evidence is a sixteen-page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, among whose duties is the provision of legal opinions for the Secretary of State. In this memorandum, the Solicitor lists the many errors he found in the ratification process." Source:
Some facts:
-The official votes for the 16th and 17th amendment don't even exist for many of the 38 state legislators that supposedly passed it in 1913! Bill Benson couldn't find any records of the official roll calls in many of the state capitols.
-Kentucky actually rejected the amendment. Yet, Kentucky is counted among one of the 38 states which voted for it! This was the Arizona so to speak of the whole fraud in 1913 and should be given the most attention.
-Everything else was legal technicalities that would never fly today. Language was changed in the legislation. It would be equivalent to making an incorrect number on your tax returns.
-the few states that do have records like New York didn't even pass it with a two thirds majority, which is required to approve of a new constitutional amendment.
So.income tax is so unconstitutional that it legally does not even exist.
Iwinder if this will ever open eyes to the lies the government has been spewing
It should. Time is right. 2020 woke up so many people.
Funny how both the 16th and 17th amendment, and the creation of the Federal reserve and the British Empire abandoning the gold standard all happened within 1 decade under 1 administration. People were asleep back then and just didn't have a clue.
Woodrow Lucifer Wilson
Candidates should run on repealing the 16th amendment, and eliminating federal personal income taxes
It doesn't need to be repealed because it never passed in the first place, just abolished through the actions of enough American citizens. And I believe it can and will happen.
Benson's analysis of ratification failures in all 38 states is accurate. The problem is to get remedy.
During the Civil War Lincoln passed an income tax. Afterward the citizens petitioned Congress so much for redress of grievances that they quietly let the income tax expire. They could get remedy in that day.
Maybe we should start using creative interpretations on our tax returns in the same way the Amendment that allows them to be filed was creatively interpreted.
The white hats know this but it's too big a red pill to begin with and they can't allow mass tax revolt because that's not controllable and directable. Rage against pedophiles is controllable and directable.
Therefore the Q movement should have no problem digging through tax law in the same way they've done everything else. Entrusting the truth about the tax to the dedicated anons is likely to be usable by the white hats, especially while the tax researchers (many of them being the original paytriots) continually argue among themselves instead of coming to conclusions and building real movements.
I know too much to give away the whole treasure map within the tax code right now. I also don't have the funding. And if I were doing it I'd use an alt. But the truth will come out. The white hats would like this to be orderly and within "NCSWIC" and I respect that. If they don't fix this problem we will.
I read somewhere once that the income tax was only 1% and it only applied to people making the modern equivalent of 75,000 dollars a year.