Actually, if you look carefully and with discernment and the facts, it does. How else would Wasreal have come into being? Very serious world events needed to occur in order to masquerade the bad guys as wee little vulnerable victims instead of malevolent eternal predators. What occurred? Where? Posing as whom? Resulting in what?
Here's one of the big lies revealed: It Does Not Matter.
Big government will stomp the rights of the people no matter what tag it claims. Nazi, Commie, Socialist, Totalitarian -- all those names are meaningless.
The problem is government. If anything really made sense, then: Left would be big government stomping on the people and Right would be zero or no government, where the people prosper.
far right is anarchy or rule by no one. Far left is oligarchy or monarchy/dictatorship or total control by a few or one. Your understanding is an example of how they have redefined the terms so they can do the old heads i win and tails you lose.
Apologies in advance for the YT link but this will clarify things for you hopefully
The term "nazi" has a d9fferent meaning than is implied, it's not a description of their political ideology, but of their homogeneity in EUGENICIST thought
This does not look like a synagogue to me therefore I reject it. Why are we always deflecting who the real enemy is?
Actually, if you look carefully and with discernment and the facts, it does. How else would Wasreal have come into being? Very serious world events needed to occur in order to masquerade the bad guys as wee little vulnerable victims instead of malevolent eternal predators. What occurred? Where? Posing as whom? Resulting in what?
Why do people consistently use NAZI when they really mean COMMUNIST?
Here's one of the big lies revealed: It Does Not Matter.
Big government will stomp the rights of the people no matter what tag it claims. Nazi, Commie, Socialist, Totalitarian -- all those names are meaningless.
The problem is government. If anything really made sense, then: Left would be big government stomping on the people and Right would be zero or no government, where the people prosper.
Okay, time to speak up again.
The terms have been reversed from their original meaning, which came from the French Revolution.
Those who wanted more power in the State sat in the RIGHT wing. Less, LEFT wing.
We The People, who want small government with power vested in us, are LEFT wing.
Those who want more power to the State are RIGHT wing.
Now it makes sense, doesn't it?
Nazis, right wing.
Current regime in the US, right wing.
Trump, left wing.
They did it to confuse us again, those name-stealers.
far right is anarchy or rule by no one. Far left is oligarchy or monarchy/dictatorship or total control by a few or one. Your understanding is an example of how they have redefined the terms so they can do the old heads i win and tails you lose.
Apologies in advance for the YT link but this will clarify things for you hopefully
The term "nazi" has a d9fferent meaning than is implied, it's not a description of their political ideology, but of their homogeneity in EUGENICIST thought
you do know what "nazi" stands for don't you? National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)
These Nazis have leveled up to a globalist party, but the principals remain.