Uhhhh guys? Anyone know what the hell beware.ai is?
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Oh look, another countdown to bullshit
Is this some McAfee, Ingersoll Larpwood bullshit?
44 days until I'm disappointed again.
Should I beware being aware?
Idk but I do know that whoever created it is European/english or non-American because they spelled colored coloured, with a U.
Question everything. Got it.
You can give them all your info and "Join them"
Clicking that button is agreeing the the terms and conditions (giving your soul to the antichrist according to terms and conditions)
"Beware is not a pyramid marketing scam Beware is not a product Beware is not a service Beware is not an ancient technology Beware is not an escort agency Beware is not a spam engine Beware is not a marketing compaign Beware is not trying to sell something Beware is not trying to buy anything Beware is not anything to do with money Beware is not a cult religion Beware is not a scientific discovery Beware is not politically biased Beware is not a new drug Beware is not a prank or a hoax Beware is not an ARG Beware is not a game Beware is not a social experiment Beware is not an evolution of neurocam Beware is not a movie or television series Beware is not a psychological experiment Beware is not controlled opposition Beware is not a form of artificial intelligence Beware is not controlled nor centralized Beware is not a new way of writing a novel Beware is not an interactive website experiment Beware is not is not a fantasy Beware is not a reflection of your innermost thoughts Beware is not influenced by Thelema Beware is not a form of Magick Beware is not a study Beware is not looking for the Nobody. Beware is not lying to you Beware is not a new age philosophy Beware is not innocent Beware is not illegal Beware is not dangerous Beware is not Intrado Beware is not a conspiracy Beware Q? Beware is not what you think it is
"It is sometimes important to commit to something we know very little about if the act of commitment in itself becomes revolutionary." -Robin Henly, COO"
Terms of service says its a contract woth the antichrist
In the unlikely but still small possible chance even our thoughts don't have any privacy at this point then maybe that was the beware meaning.
Read the terms of service
Judges halve already set a precedent on this kind of thing (terms and services), and that is related to the fact that people ignore them, therefore, this is probably some s****y troll site from a satanist, not the global elite ones, just the obscenely stupid ones who think they are edgy.
So I actually found the owner on a web site forum. There too he claims to be the anti-christ. So he is pretty consistent at least.
What the actual heck
Remove the 0 from 2022. Zeros are not used normally in numerology or gematria. 2 3 times =6 month 6 day, 222=6. 🤔 My noggin hurts.
A.I. = Artificial Intelligence?
Or alien intelligence =)
Has anyone heard of this before?
The countdown ends on June 5th.
The page you get first has a white rabbit/the matrix on it. I accidentally added a space the second time I entered the website page and got this countdown instead
The last countdown ended April 18.
Ahhh I did see that. And nothing happened.
I think they meant this: http://quotespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/watch-your-thoughts-for-they-become-words-watch-your-words-for-they-become-habits-watch-your-habits-for-they-become-character-watch-your-character-for-it-becomes-your-destiny.jpg