This type of thing is too easy to fake, imo. I do wish that if it were real, some of those involved (the marines, for instance) would speak out. Everything is always covered up and 'classified.' BS. The American people have a right to know how their taxes are being spent and what their military is up to.
what's not fake is that there is a rothschild island, deception island, phantom island, omicron island, delta island, coronation island, omega island, and thule island
edit: also the video starts by saying this is near the canada area lol... antarctica is not near canada
lastly, this could be real footage, who knows. some of it looks pretty interesting. but whoever made it and put that canada thing at the beginning is either very misinformed or trying to completely mess people's heads up intentionally. I wouldn't doubt if there are tunnels going all over the world that connect to antarctica. there's a reason that google doesn't let you look at anything down there. the islands I mentioned are specifically blurred out, and they only let you view the touristy part of the main continent.
yeah, I don't and it doesn't make sense. the two main jump off points to antarctica are south america and new zealand, Christchurch specifically I believe
No way to verify this is there? Related (if true)… supposedly the tech housed there counteracts a 13000 year cosmic cycle that causes a poll shift on earth thus saving us all. Alien tech. Think magnetic force field.
I say that to say this. It can’t be disregarded out of hand as pure disinformation propaganda. Even so, neither can it be seriously considered without some reasonable verification…like the guy who filmed it going on record.
If choppers were able to get to the site, why have Marines airdrop in by chutes? Such airdrops ALWAYS increase the possibility of deaths and would be used if there was no other means of transport. The choppers shown would be a much safer, effective, and less costly means of transport. Just think about how much logistics and planning and expense goes into a chopper run as opposed to cargo planes....that alone suggests that this is not what it appears.
It's an intriguing thought, that there might be ancient pyramids in the Antarctic, but all this human activity seems to be edited in, and not very well at that.
This type of thing is too easy to fake, imo. I do wish that if it were real, some of those involved (the marines, for instance) would speak out. Everything is always covered up and 'classified.' BS. The American people have a right to know how their taxes are being spent and what their military is up to. Source vid for fake&ghey paratrooper assault on ice pyramids built by penguins.
Thanks. I wonder why people even bother making such videos. Unless of course it was made by glowies who think it's their job.
what's not fake is that there is a rothschild island, deception island, phantom island, omicron island, delta island, coronation island, omega island, and thule island
edit: also the video starts by saying this is near the canada area lol... antarctica is not near canada
edit 2: its just a rock lol, dont worry about the fact that google blurs everything out down there so you can't see anything
lastly, this could be real footage, who knows. some of it looks pretty interesting. but whoever made it and put that canada thing at the beginning is either very misinformed or trying to completely mess people's heads up intentionally. I wouldn't doubt if there are tunnels going all over the world that connect to antarctica. there's a reason that google doesn't let you look at anything down there. the islands I mentioned are specifically blurred out, and they only let you view the touristy part of the main continent.
wherever you are, if you look straight up.. that is true north.
yeah, I don't and it doesn't make sense. the two main jump off points to antarctica are south america and new zealand, Christchurch specifically I believe
I agree looks fake to me Just the Giza pyramids coloured to look white. I wish it was true and hope to see it at some stage though ;-)
That footage is hella fake.
Reminds me of the 'trumpets of god' video in Israel, with the clouds forming circles.
This shit faker than Michaels tits.
Notice the blur where the pyramid meets the ground.
I strongly suspect that this is
fake and gay
It would appear less fake without the musical background. Also, why would they have soldiers parachuting in when a helo could bring them there.
No way to verify this is there? Related (if true)… supposedly the tech housed there counteracts a 13000 year cosmic cycle that causes a poll shift on earth thus saving us all. Alien tech. Think magnetic force field.
I say that to say this. It can’t be disregarded out of hand as pure disinformation propaganda. Even so, neither can it be seriously considered without some reasonable verification…like the guy who filmed it going on record.
A perfect quandary.
If choppers were able to get to the site, why have Marines airdrop in by chutes? Such airdrops ALWAYS increase the possibility of deaths and would be used if there was no other means of transport. The choppers shown would be a much safer, effective, and less costly means of transport. Just think about how much logistics and planning and expense goes into a chopper run as opposed to cargo planes....that alone suggests that this is not what it appears.
It's an intriguing thought, that there might be ancient pyramids in the Antarctic, but all this human activity seems to be edited in, and not very well at that.
Looks fake. But could be used as a distraction if they needed one