I fell under Carlin's spell as a young teen. I found him hilarious and intelligent. I just ignored the bits I didn't like, but seeing this comment it just hit me how manipulative his rhetoric was. He did have some insightful material, like is bits about euphemisms, and anti- PC stuff, but it was always in the service of mocking the traditional, and deconstructing the sacred.
I write these things as much to myself as to anyone else. When I became more committed I had to get rid of things that I thought I liked. Marvel movies? Uh....no. I'm not putting any more money into Disney's groomer fund. And I'm definitely not sharing them with my children. Uh oh, what about Star Wars? What about all the tv shows my friends tell me are great?
Having principles is really hard. You can't just treat everything like a buffet where you put what you like on your plate and leave the rest. Nobody is perfect, but I do decide to put my trust, attention and funding into people I believe are trying to fight evil with light.
It's funny though. I had a friend who said to me, "You don't want to stop consuming Hollywood material because you're afraid of not being able to talk about it with your friends and missing out, right?" "I guess so," I said. "So you hate the culture and you want a better world but you don't want to have to change the culture your participate in?" "Uh..." I said.
He said: "Yeah. That's why this whole process is taking so long. Because the awakened still want to sleepwalk in the dream until everybody else wakes up, too."
When people on this board complain that what Q promised is taking "too long" to come to pass many of them don't realize this. You don't have to be violent, you don't have to even break the law to change the culture. If all of us who voted for Trump spent our money where it helped promote the world he is helping to bring about Q's words would already be fulfilled.
Ender's Game, unfortunately is Mormon propaganda. Though Orson Scott Card has denied it in the past. when responding to Mike Collings' explication of Mormonism in Ender's Game Card was forced to say “I consciously believe in Mormonism. I’m relieved to discover that I am also subconsciously Mormon.” That's his excuse for pervasive Mormon theology in his "mainstream" work.
Unfortunately, Midway (admittedly a worthy and glorious subject) is directed by homosexual Roland Emmerich who you may not know made the gay propaganda film "Stonewall". Whether or not you are believe homosexuality immoral, Emmerich has given interviews in which he discussed making the lead of the movie a young straight white male to lure audiences into the message of the film because he knew the actual stories of the men portrayed would be off-putting to straight audiences. I have very little patience for those who behave like groomers in this fashion.
Interesting. I am aware of Card's Mormon background. I don't see it in Ender's Game . I was totally unaware of all of your information about Midway. Fortunately the film stands on its own.
Yes. The Cabal makes movies that are enjoyable and pleasant to watch.
I choose not to provide them with funding for their agenda (my money) and I choose to deny them my attention (the modern internet "currency" where celebrity and clicks are greater than cash) and I do not give them my children's eyes (so that my children can be indoctrinated into their symbology and work while allowing my children to grow up as habituated passive consumers of Cabal messaging).
But what the heck--it's just a movie! What can it hurt?
Yes. I could buy them/stream them/rent them and give the money to groomer corporation Disney; or I could borrow them from the library and add my vote for the library to continue to buy and replace their copies; or I could borrow them from a friend who already bought them and show them to my kids so they get excited about spending money on Star Wars in the future and believe (like every good American kid) that Disney is good stuff for happy family memories. But I don't want to do those things.
Do you like to read occult texts? If you do, please read Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With Many Faces". Campbell, who celebrates "resurgence of the cult of the immanence of the occult within ourselves and within nature" wrote this book which explained that the Christian story of Jesus' birth and resurrection is a false myth based on older myths. George Lucas used that book as the philosophical guideline for his Star Wars films which feature a mystical energy that special wizards control called "The Force".
Everything is in plain sight. Until we wake up and put our money--hell if we just put our attention--on what is good and godly we could turn light to dark almost immediately. We are part of what is keeping Q's words from coming to pass. We give the vampires our blood willingly; we give our money and our minds to The Cabal.
A lot of what Carlin said was of course true ("It's a big club..." for instance), but he was saying it because he was a part of THEIR system and was openly mocking the people who laughed at his jokes because it was all karmic theater to just get away with more evil. Those people truly believe that as long as they tell us in plain sight exactly how evil they are, especially when told in the form of "entertainment" and when the people watching/listening are not getting the true meaning of the message, the people are still consenting. It's really fucked up.
I'm less sure than you that his words ring true. But I definitely understand who he was, also.
“How come when it’s us, it’s an abortion, and when it’s a chicken, it’s an omelette?”
“I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a man nailed to two pieces of wood.”
"This country was founded by a group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out the rest of the red Indian people, in order to move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto for this country ought to be? 'You give us a color, we'll wipe it out.'"
I get it. It's like how some people around here feel about Disney. They know it's elite pedo groomers spreading cabal messages, but people give them their time, attention and tons of money because they agree with Bambi loving his mom.
To be fair, liberals used to actually criticize the establishment somewhat. I remember a time when most of the conspiracy theories were coming from the left back when the right seemed more like the normies.
Absolutely true. What changed? The Left reached a detente with The Right. The Left would accept our money; our worship of their celebrity; and their right to promote social perversion and we would be allowed to complain about it while giving them our cash and clicks.The Left tolerates Red States because they are funded by them, even as they are criticized by them.
Yes, this is how we get people to watch "Matrix" movies. Then some of them come to our side and some of them say "Wow, it's so cool that this movie is written and directed by trannies!" Go ahead and duckduckgo "how the matrix changed my life" to see how much more accepting of transhumanism and transsexuality people have become after watching the Matrix series--and how wonderful they feel about it.
Some people believe evangelism of the truth is superior to "information warfare" in bringing people to the truth. I do not promote, fund, or give my children poison. I would give it to my enemies, but as Jesus said "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Yet we have become so "smart" that we can justify our deeds on behalf of The Cabal as infowar instead of following the example of God and giving good things to those who are the children of God.
The Matrix was one of my favorite movies. You'll always find a few fringe people who are accepting of trannies, but the majority, do not support them.
On the internet you'll find a completely skewed reality. Just like going to reddit and thinking "holy shit everyone on earth is a liberal and hates Trump!"
I don't know if you noticed, but America is losing the war re: gay marriage and transgenderism. As a body, less than half of Americans oppose anti-transgender laws. Most Americans support gay marriage.
Their propaganda is evidently working better for them than it is for us.
How would you know most americans support gay marriage? If all they do is lie? They also tell us the majority of people hate Trump. The majority of people voted for Biden. HRC had a 100% chance of winning.
It seems like a good point, doesn't it? If a poll can be wrong then all polls ARE wrong. Your mistake is believing that the Trump majority is ALSO unilaterally opposed to gay marriage. Even Trump himself was, in the past, lukewarm on gay marriage opposition. Unfortunately, many on the side of right are also on the wrong side of crucial issues. Let's look at just one example that is is similar:
If you look around this board you will see those who rightfully recognize that we are at war with a Cabal who has much of its funding and celebrity and support gained through Hollywood. YET you will also see, time and time again, that people vote with their dollars to support groomer corporations like Disney and Warner Bros.
Imagine a vampire hunter story. In this story, the vampire hunter is looking to rid the world of vampires and alert his neighbors to the vampire menace. BUT in this story, the vampire hunter buys his entertainment and luxury goods from vampires and willingly allows vampires to drink his and his children's blood. Sure, he goes out and kills a few vampires, but he doesn't even bother to disassociate his own finances and family from the vampire network.
It would not be surprising then to find that the vampire hunter is eradicating vampires more SLOWLY than he would otherwise be doing.
This is a tale too ridiculous for a movie, but it is metaphorically the way many anons live. We know the truth, but we fund and advertise for the enemy. No wonder the storm is delayed. We will not allow it to come. Because we want our teevee shows and funko pops...oh, and uh the end to Luciferic pedophiles, too--but we're just too overwhelmed and busy to stop giving them our cash and attention.
ThanQ Ole1212! I love this meme! And I love George Carlin — he reminds me of my Swedish uncles. He also made innuendos about the MKULTRA “mountain” in LA. Creepy.
He was part of the slow degradation of society. He does a "joke" reducing the 10 commandments to 2 or something.
Listen to his reasoning on the first parts, its satanic.
He also does 10 words you can't say on TV. Funny? Yes as a young boy but the censoring of vulgar words was to reduce the pollution of filth in our society.
Once you let the filth in, its a slippery slope to Tranny Story Hour with kids.
You are all amazing!
Yes.."seeing" through the BS and propaganda was "painful" and "confusing"..this board is amazing and gives hope to many..I salute you all!!
Yeah...George Carlin who believed that "critical thinking" led people to pro-abortion, atheism, not voting in elections, etc. etc.
He opposed political correctness, but otherwise was a strident liberal who hobnobbed with Hollywood pedo elite.
I'm sure Stalin and I could find one thing to agree on, but I wouldn't be posting memes of his quotes because I do not accept his authority.
I fell under Carlin's spell as a young teen. I found him hilarious and intelligent. I just ignored the bits I didn't like, but seeing this comment it just hit me how manipulative his rhetoric was. He did have some insightful material, like is bits about euphemisms, and anti- PC stuff, but it was always in the service of mocking the traditional, and deconstructing the sacred.
Very interesting. Thanks for the eye opener!
I write these things as much to myself as to anyone else. When I became more committed I had to get rid of things that I thought I liked. Marvel movies? Uh....no. I'm not putting any more money into Disney's groomer fund. And I'm definitely not sharing them with my children. Uh oh, what about Star Wars? What about all the tv shows my friends tell me are great?
Having principles is really hard. You can't just treat everything like a buffet where you put what you like on your plate and leave the rest. Nobody is perfect, but I do decide to put my trust, attention and funding into people I believe are trying to fight evil with light.
It's funny though. I had a friend who said to me, "You don't want to stop consuming Hollywood material because you're afraid of not being able to talk about it with your friends and missing out, right?" "I guess so," I said. "So you hate the culture and you want a better world but you don't want to have to change the culture your participate in?" "Uh..." I said.
He said: "Yeah. That's why this whole process is taking so long. Because the awakened still want to sleepwalk in the dream until everybody else wakes up, too."
When people on this board complain that what Q promised is taking "too long" to come to pass many of them don't realize this. You don't have to be violent, you don't have to even break the law to change the culture. If all of us who voted for Trump spent our money where it helped promote the world he is helping to bring about Q's words would already be fulfilled.
Ender's Game is a descent SF flick that you can show to your children. Midway is an excellent old WWII film that is also historically accurate.
The movie was fucking awful. Don't show that to anyone. The book is some of the best sci-fi you'll read.
Ender's Game, unfortunately is Mormon propaganda. Though Orson Scott Card has denied it in the past. when responding to Mike Collings' explication of Mormonism in Ender's Game Card was forced to say “I consciously believe in Mormonism. I’m relieved to discover that I am also subconsciously Mormon.” That's his excuse for pervasive Mormon theology in his "mainstream" work.
Unfortunately, Midway (admittedly a worthy and glorious subject) is directed by homosexual Roland Emmerich who you may not know made the gay propaganda film "Stonewall". Whether or not you are believe homosexuality immoral, Emmerich has given interviews in which he discussed making the lead of the movie a young straight white male to lure audiences into the message of the film because he knew the actual stories of the men portrayed would be off-putting to straight audiences. I have very little patience for those who behave like groomers in this fashion.
Interesting. I am aware of Card's Mormon background. I don't see it in Ender's Game . I was totally unaware of all of your information about Midway. Fortunately the film stands on its own.
Yes. The Cabal makes movies that are enjoyable and pleasant to watch.
I choose not to provide them with funding for their agenda (my money) and I choose to deny them my attention (the modern internet "currency" where celebrity and clicks are greater than cash) and I do not give them my children's eyes (so that my children can be indoctrinated into their symbology and work while allowing my children to grow up as habituated passive consumers of Cabal messaging).
But what the heck--it's just a movie! What can it hurt?
You could show the original trilogies of Star Wars before Disney took over
Yes. I could buy them/stream them/rent them and give the money to groomer corporation Disney; or I could borrow them from the library and add my vote for the library to continue to buy and replace their copies; or I could borrow them from a friend who already bought them and show them to my kids so they get excited about spending money on Star Wars in the future and believe (like every good American kid) that Disney is good stuff for happy family memories. But I don't want to do those things.
Do you like to read occult texts? If you do, please read Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With Many Faces". Campbell, who celebrates "resurgence of the cult of the immanence of the occult within ourselves and within nature" wrote this book which explained that the Christian story of Jesus' birth and resurrection is a false myth based on older myths. George Lucas used that book as the philosophical guideline for his Star Wars films which feature a mystical energy that special wizards control called "The Force".
Everything is in plain sight. Until we wake up and put our money--hell if we just put our attention--on what is good and godly we could turn light to dark almost immediately. We are part of what is keeping Q's words from coming to pass. We give the vampires our blood willingly; we give our money and our minds to The Cabal.
A lot of what Carlin said was of course true ("It's a big club..." for instance), but he was saying it because he was a part of THEIR system and was openly mocking the people who laughed at his jokes because it was all karmic theater to just get away with more evil. Those people truly believe that as long as they tell us in plain sight exactly how evil they are, especially when told in the form of "entertainment" and when the people watching/listening are not getting the true meaning of the message, the people are still consenting. It's really fucked up.
His words ring true, however he was not always on the right side of things..I understand who he was.
I'm less sure than you that his words ring true. But I definitely understand who he was, also.
“How come when it’s us, it’s an abortion, and when it’s a chicken, it’s an omelette?”
“I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a man nailed to two pieces of wood.”
"This country was founded by a group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out the rest of the red Indian people, in order to move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto for this country ought to be? 'You give us a color, we'll wipe it out.'"
I get it. It's like how some people around here feel about Disney. They know it's elite pedo groomers spreading cabal messages, but people give them their time, attention and tons of money because they agree with Bambi loving his mom.
Gee, you sound like a blast.
I'm not much fun at Frazzledrip parties. I actually stand up and say "no" when other people go along cuz it's so much fun not to think hard.
Well, your response is very funny!
Thank you. You are very nice and funny.
To be fair, liberals used to actually criticize the establishment somewhat. I remember a time when most of the conspiracy theories were coming from the left back when the right seemed more like the normies.
Absolutely true. What changed? The Left reached a detente with The Right. The Left would accept our money; our worship of their celebrity; and their right to promote social perversion and we would be allowed to complain about it while giving them our cash and clicks.The Left tolerates Red States because they are funded by them, even as they are criticized by them.
Use whatever message you can from famous people, to red pill. Ignore their other shit. This is information warfare.
Yes, this is how we get people to watch "Matrix" movies. Then some of them come to our side and some of them say "Wow, it's so cool that this movie is written and directed by trannies!" Go ahead and duckduckgo "how the matrix changed my life" to see how much more accepting of transhumanism and transsexuality people have become after watching the Matrix series--and how wonderful they feel about it.
Some people believe evangelism of the truth is superior to "information warfare" in bringing people to the truth. I do not promote, fund, or give my children poison. I would give it to my enemies, but as Jesus said "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Yet we have become so "smart" that we can justify our deeds on behalf of The Cabal as infowar instead of following the example of God and giving good things to those who are the children of God.
The Matrix was one of my favorite movies. You'll always find a few fringe people who are accepting of trannies, but the majority, do not support them.
On the internet you'll find a completely skewed reality. Just like going to reddit and thinking "holy shit everyone on earth is a liberal and hates Trump!"
I don't know if you noticed, but America is losing the war re: gay marriage and transgenderism. As a body, less than half of Americans oppose anti-transgender laws. Most Americans support gay marriage.
Their propaganda is evidently working better for them than it is for us.
How would you know most americans support gay marriage? If all they do is lie? They also tell us the majority of people hate Trump. The majority of people voted for Biden. HRC had a 100% chance of winning.
It seems like a good point, doesn't it? If a poll can be wrong then all polls ARE wrong. Your mistake is believing that the Trump majority is ALSO unilaterally opposed to gay marriage. Even Trump himself was, in the past, lukewarm on gay marriage opposition. Unfortunately, many on the side of right are also on the wrong side of crucial issues. Let's look at just one example that is is similar:
If you look around this board you will see those who rightfully recognize that we are at war with a Cabal who has much of its funding and celebrity and support gained through Hollywood. YET you will also see, time and time again, that people vote with their dollars to support groomer corporations like Disney and Warner Bros.
Imagine a vampire hunter story. In this story, the vampire hunter is looking to rid the world of vampires and alert his neighbors to the vampire menace. BUT in this story, the vampire hunter buys his entertainment and luxury goods from vampires and willingly allows vampires to drink his and his children's blood. Sure, he goes out and kills a few vampires, but he doesn't even bother to disassociate his own finances and family from the vampire network.
It would not be surprising then to find that the vampire hunter is eradicating vampires more SLOWLY than he would otherwise be doing.
This is a tale too ridiculous for a movie, but it is metaphorically the way many anons live. We know the truth, but we fund and advertise for the enemy. No wonder the storm is delayed. We will not allow it to come. Because we want our teevee shows and funko pops...oh, and uh the end to Luciferic pedophiles, too--but we're just too overwhelmed and busy to stop giving them our cash and attention.
Assumption is wrong. I know many people including myself who stopped our subscriptions to Netflix.
This is the only element I find amusing in regards to the de-population weapon known as the covid "vaccines".
They're killing/maiming everyone except the critical-thinking, ornery MF'ers that are on this board.
This social is the greatest and all you guys here. I am very happy to be with you.
ThanQ Ole1212! I love this meme! And I love George Carlin — he reminds me of my Swedish uncles. He also made innuendos about the MKULTRA “mountain” in LA. Creepy.
Thank you, you are amazing too.
I am John Galt
Correct. Their days are numbered.
George Carlin was controlled OP.
He was part of the slow degradation of society. He does a "joke" reducing the 10 commandments to 2 or something.
Listen to his reasoning on the first parts, its satanic.
He also does 10 words you can't say on TV. Funny? Yes as a young boy but the censoring of vulgar words was to reduce the pollution of filth in our society.
Once you let the filth in, its a slippery slope to Tranny Story Hour with kids.
Carlin was a "Boomer" who helped this X'er along his journey.
Much gratitude for George, RIP