no... the vaxxed people had their immune systems destroyed and thus cannot fight off even the mildest of symptoms of anything! the more boosters they get the more their immune systems weaken..... this was all by design.
That is absolute bullshit and they've tried this before with vaccine propaganda in the past. No, if your vaccine works, then you have nothing to worry about. This is the "you need to wear a seatbelt or mine won't work" mentality.
It must be the “stealth variant” that the “unvaccinated” are carrying. You know, the one where you have absolutely no symptoms and you feel perfectly healthy!
The DS knows how desperately the vaxxed normies will be to blame something other than their vaxxed status.
The seeds of the blame game have been planted. And what will grow will be a poisoned sense of entitlement, and the vaxxed will support the government to take measures, such as rounding up the unvaxxed and putting them in camps.
Don't think it's possible to pan out that way? What else wasn't possible just a measley 2 years ago?
White Hats had better intervene before next flu season, or there will be cili war.
no... the vaxxed people had their immune systems destroyed and thus cannot fight off even the mildest of symptoms of anything! the more boosters they get the more their immune systems weaken..... this was all by design.
That is absolute bullshit and they've tried this before with vaccine propaganda in the past. No, if your vaccine works, then you have nothing to worry about. This is the "you need to wear a seatbelt or mine won't work" mentality.
"Don't Shed On Me" MAGA flag
It must be the “stealth variant” that the “unvaccinated” are carrying. You know, the one where you have absolutely no symptoms and you feel perfectly healthy!
We know where this is going.
The DS knows how desperately the vaxxed normies will be to blame something other than their vaxxed status.
The seeds of the blame game have been planted. And what will grow will be a poisoned sense of entitlement, and the vaxxed will support the government to take measures, such as rounding up the unvaxxed and putting them in camps.
Don't think it's possible to pan out that way? What else wasn't possible just a measley 2 years ago?
White Hats had better intervene before next flu season, or there will be cili war.
This is some garbage mathmatical modeling based on bullshit biased assumptions. It was setup to produce the desired result.
Sorry, meant "UNvaccinated increases risk for vaccinated".
according to a mathematical model ......
I smell a decaying model .... Like the one from the Imperial College ..... though not as bombshell