Firstly, this is mostly hopium. So please take it as such.
Trump and Musk are teaming up to provide truth to the world.
How this works, why this matters, and how we can all be a part of the plan.
How this works.
Thanks to the cabal, MSM, Big Tech, Big Business, the Uniparty, and many other spheres of influence, we live in a bifurcated world. There are basically two groups, worldwide. You can figure out who the two groups are because you know which one you're in, and well, the other group is the other one.
With Truth Social, Trump will be able to reach the group he is in, which includes pretty much all of us, except for the spies, manevolent lurkers, shills, and glowies here. Once massive truth bombs start dropping, we're going to have all the ammo we need to win the global information war.
With Twitter, Musk will be able to reach the other group. I'm not sure of his exact intentions, but if all he does is remove bots, remove comment algorithms, unban and unsuspend accounts, that will be enough. Everyone will be able to say whatever they want in the town square, as it should be. The funny thing is, all these bluechecks who are losing "followers" and threatening to or actually leaving Twitter will have no place to go. All of the Twitter clones developed since around 2020 are mostly conservative based. So where will the blue checks go?
Why this matters.
All of the liberal blowhards are not likely to join Truth Social. It will be tough for Trump to reach them directly if he only posts on Truth Social, which is his stated intent. However, if bots are banned and comment algorithms are gone on Twitter, anyone sharing Trump's message will be able to do so without fear of being banned, shadow banned, suspended, or cancelled. All of the accounts with millions of aggregate followers who were banished by such means will be able to spread the truth.
Truth will be set free on Truth Social and Truth will be free to be shared on Twitter.
How can we be part of the plan?
By being in both places at once. We are the bridge to freedom. By engaging with Truth Social, we will get the Truths to share on Twitter. By engaging on Twitter, we can not only share Truths, but we can also support those who are. This is important.
Many of our favorite influencers and thought leaders will have their voices back on Twitter. By showing them support on both platforms we can bridge the gap between the two groups I started this post describing.
We now have two town squares and the commie leftists have a half of a town square. We will greatly outnumber them by orders of magnitude.
In this worlwide information war, we'll have the ammo and should be well prepared to use it. (This is an analogy glowies, a figure of speech.)
So get ready frens, things are getting real and we are needed now more than ever! Nothing can stop what is coming.
If twitter wanted to crush truth social and try to revive twitter while keeping the deep states grip on social media intact, thats exactly what they would do. So that doesnt actually tell us anything.
The thing about social media, apps, and smartphones, especially "free" ones is this.
My interpretation of this is that every single person that gets on line by any means, including computers, is an entry in a global database of all people. If you are connected to this database in anyway, including GPS on your vehicle or other non-computer or smart phone means, you are being tracked. Even if you drive an old beat up car, if you have license plates and you drive it, traffic cameras are tracking your movements and putting you in this database.
The global cabal wants to track everyone, everywhere, all the time. They can use algorithms to make massive assumptions about who you are and what you do. It isn't hard at all with today's technology.
Twatter, Fakebook, and Goggle are all systems that gather personal information, record it, and store it for analysis.
Entire nations and economies can be controlled and influenced by having this type of control over people. They've already created algorithms that rate a person's intent to do something. Some of the evil cabal countries have even floated legislation that would allow them to arrest people before they commit crimes because their machine learning tells them they are about to commit those crimes based on their behavior.
When you look at the global view of tracking human behavior and the "value" of doing so for governments, you quickly realize this is a multi-trillion dollar business.
$44 billion is chump change from this perspective. Could Twitter be bought for $44 billion, even if it is not "worth" that? Yes. Because what it is used for is worth so much more than any ad revenue or other income most companies must have to stay in business.
There was so much wrong in what you said I dont even know where to begin.
If the left/deepstate/cabal is celebrating something, it's always bad.
If they are hysterically criticizing something, it's always good.
The degree of their reaction to it correlates with how good or bad it is for normal, sane people. (E.g., they were uniformly batshit berserk, gibbering, blithering, shrieking lunatics over Donald Trump being president...and he was, objectively, the greatest president the country has ever known, with the possible exception of G. Washington.)
It's weird for something to be that cut and dried, but in my experience it's really just that simple.
I'm applying the same observation to Musk buying Twitter. The left is batshit bonkers hysterical over it; so it's probably a good thing.