There are benefits to Elon's acquisition of Twitter even for the trans community
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So you go ahead and perfectly proved ImaSueDeNym's point... brilliant.
Reddit has subreddits, moderated communities with specific rules.
Reddit banned /r/the_donald, /r/greatawakening, and other sites. The owners of the .win community sites provided this site as a replacement for after it was banned.
If this site claimed to be an anything goes platform and banned people without telling them why, neither of which is the case, I'd agree with you.
Who owns this .win? Do you know? Without knowing who owns and actually runs this place, how can you be so certain that censorship and abuse won't ever become a concern, if it hasn't to some degree already?
This site indeed has rules, though not many and far from overbearing or overly specific. And yet, some are broken without anything being done, depending on the offender. Then in other cases, accounts are immediately labeled shills and banned despite having not explicitly violated any rules. Consider the rule "be respectful"... who defines what is and isn't respectful? Consider the rule "only Q support"... who defines what is and isn't supportive of "Q"? Ultimately, subjective mods... which brings me back to the first few questions asked above...
No, because they're two different situations. We are not an impartial platform, and we do not pretend to be. Twitter does.
A partial platform, runs contrary to free speech. So you don't support free speech then? 🤔
You've missed, or rather twisted his argument which is rather simple and accurate: it's utterly hypocritical to simultaneously condemn other outlets like Reddit, Twitter, etc for suppressing free speech, while at the same time sitting in GAW and railing about those who QuEsTioN tHe PLaN, downvote those who perhaps might not see exactly eye to eye about Trump et al, and mod(s) flippantly bragging about instabaning people for discussing evidence and theories which might not be universally agreed upon within this community.
Yes, this is a refuge for those who were censored by other platforms... or at least it's supposed to be a refuge... and yet far too often it isn't. That's his point. It's valid and easily proved simply by the fact that crayon eaters have down voted him for merely making an accurate observation.