You cant. Stop looking. Trust no man, trust God.
There is misinformation on all sides for a reason, misinformation is IMPORTANT in an information war. You have to take responsibility and research to learn truth instead of relying on some entity to be the arbiter of truth for you. This place is very close to raw information, meaning that you need to verify it yourself.
the cow is slaughtered and the media all take pieces of the cow, the pieces that they know their audience will "eat up"
they then start adding their own spices and additives (biases and fake news) that weren't part of the cow because they know that its what their audience likes.
they then feed this new and improved "truth" to them.
and audience then eats it and later they shit it back out to the world a crappy version of what they ate all over social media.
basically, you need to get information from all sides and the more "raw" that information is the better. because you do less work trying to remove the additives that each news source adds. once you have enough raw and close to raw pieces, you need to do the work and piece that cow/truth back together. in the end it may be incomplete and imperfect, but you will be closer to seeing the truth than anyone else just listening to one news source. and often the truth is ugly, complicated, convoluted, and gray.
You cant. Stop looking. Trust no man, trust God. There is misinformation on all sides for a reason, misinformation is IMPORTANT in an information war. You have to take responsibility and research to learn truth instead of relying on some entity to be the arbiter of truth for you. This place is very close to raw information, meaning that you need to verify it yourself.
Here is a good analogy about "news sources"
basically, you need to get information from all sides and the more "raw" that information is the better. because you do less work trying to remove the additives that each news source adds. once you have enough raw and close to raw pieces, you need to do the work and piece that cow/truth back together. in the end it may be incomplete and imperfect, but you will be closer to seeing the truth than anyone else just listening to one news source. and often the truth is ugly, complicated, convoluted, and gray.
Rule #1 - we live in "Information Zero"
Rule #2 - The more information you take in, the better you can grasp reality.
Rule #3 - Unless you are some kind of a super computer, the reality you grasp is still very limited
Rule #4 - Trusting out instincts is the best way to get as close to reality as we can.
Diogenes is still looking, as are many of us...
By doing your own research.
Lol define "political truth".