They'll just shut your bank account down until you comply and turn on your guns!
No food, no house, no money- if you have children- you'll comply quickly.
If they shut down the bank accounts of half the nation, there will be bloodshed. You don't give up freedom of your country so your family can have cash in a fascist country that's ridiculous and I have a child.
They'll just shut your bank account down until you comply and turn on your guns! No food, no house, no money- if you have children- you'll comply quickly.
I don't think that plan was thought through, food is the #1 cause of rebellions throughout history.
If they shut down the bank accounts of half the nation, there will be bloodshed. You don't give up freedom of your country so your family can have cash in a fascist country that's ridiculous and I have a child.
Good thing decentralized crypto would fill in nicely here, effectively replacing USD. Just bought some fast food with my crypto wallet ATM card.
What Crypto to trust though?
BTC is king because it is the first. ETH is a well-known alternative. I personally like LUNA.