About half a dozen generals have died in combat and accidents. One has been falsely described as dead. He found his death notice to be a point of humor. Ukraine shamelessly traduces everything.
I am not arguing that Ukraine is overhyping their successes, but when Russian sources are confirming the deaths of several generals... I am pretty sure those are legit.
I don't doubt the toll is less than Ukraine's claim, but clearly things are not going as planned for the Russians. Multiple generals dying in a few months is something not seen in any modern war.
That's because "modern war" has generals back at the chateau. Not too many died in World War I, either. Things actually are going as planned, because the plans are achieving goals. Weapons of mass destruction have been taken in charge (the bio-warfare labs). Demilitarization is proceeding (destruction of armed forces, materiel, assets, and related industrial capability). Denazification is proceeding. Donbass is being liberated. Do you seriously think the Russians, a profoundly realistic and pragmatic people, expected to conduct war without taking losses? Only the West would be so fey.
About half a dozen generals have died in combat and accidents. One has been falsely described as dead. He found his death notice to be a point of humor. Ukraine shamelessly traduces everything.
I am not arguing that Ukraine is overhyping their successes, but when Russian sources are confirming the deaths of several generals... I am pretty sure those are legit.
I don't doubt the toll is less than Ukraine's claim, but clearly things are not going as planned for the Russians. Multiple generals dying in a few months is something not seen in any modern war.
That's because "modern war" has generals back at the chateau. Not too many died in World War I, either. Things actually are going as planned, because the plans are achieving goals. Weapons of mass destruction have been taken in charge (the bio-warfare labs). Demilitarization is proceeding (destruction of armed forces, materiel, assets, and related industrial capability). Denazification is proceeding. Donbass is being liberated. Do you seriously think the Russians, a profoundly realistic and pragmatic people, expected to conduct war without taking losses? Only the West would be so fey.