So, my neighbor is a true leftist. Dating back to the 60's. We started talking earlier about politics and events and here is what the left thinks.
Republican Congress is responsible for Jan 6th and should be jailed. And "most people arrested were set free.
Liz Cheyney will win cause "she is sticking it to the Republica establishment.
Ukraine is having zero impact on the US economy
The election wasnt stolen enough to matter
Republicans are the only reason the War in Iraq happened a second time and at the same time it was neccessary.
The economy will fix itself
There is no chance of food shortages
Its senseless to stand against the government because the government will just take out people who oppose them. And they are fine with this.
Madison Crawthorn(spelling) is in trouble because of insider trading, not for calling out the sex/drug orgies.(he named the person)
Granted, this dude is old and very set in his ways. But the message they are getting is so wildly off base its amazing. He simply cannot let go of the idea that Democrat good Republican bad. And obviously has zero proof outside of what he is told by the media.
Honestly, I thought about that before the title and throughout our conversation. Ready and willingto eat up anything that is Republican bad. Show them evidence that Dems are as well. "Thats not real"
They hashing. Occupy Democrats and the Daily Kos.
So you have a stupid neighbor. Move on.
This is our biggest problem. People that actually believe the democrats are the working mans party. The blue collar party. The party of JFK. Pubs are for big business. So pretty much idiots. Their daddy voted blue and he said all these things. I vote blue til the end. Their minds will probably never be changed. It will take something big. Huge. Otherwise they will never see truth no matter how hard it hits them in the head.
Invite him over to watch 2000 mules once it comes out next week.
Gee, I bet I work with this guy. I’m surrounded by these types.
He is retired. From the government no less.
His first wake up call will be when his pension stops. And it's all down hill from there.
He actually belives its "safe because its mostly held by utilities."
Ha! ThanQ CherokeePede. Naturally he worked for the government!
He still cant answer why he worked for a "Republican government" if they were sooo bad.
I am laughing so hard about your entire feed with my sister right now! Cheers to you and yours. I hope you get to see your neighbor’s liberal tears pour when the great awakening really happens.
These are actually neoliberal opinions, not leftist. Your neighbor is a Biden supporter, not a Bernie supporter.
"Neoliberals" think that the status quo is fine and that the current system of government is fine, "leftists" do not like the status quo and want the government to shift to more progressive policies (i.e. free healthcare).
It’s from Elden Ring