Physical reincarnation of my constituent matter? Absolutely. I like the thought of my atoms, molecules, and nutrients helping something else grow. My matter will live on in other things - both alive and dead - long after I'm gone. That's reassuring.
Reincarnation of the soul? I mean, that would be awesome and amazing, but at the same time it'd make me feel like the game of life is kind of rigged. So what if you're a pedo or serial killer? Doesn't matter for your victims or you, you're just going to keep repeating until you get it right.
Theres a certain beauty to it, and I guess it would be balanced. But I can't reconcile my support of the death penalty with reincarnation (or God, for that matter). If we reincarnate, executing someone brings bad karma and just forces the process to repeat early. If we're talking the God of Abraham (or some other Supreme being who is fair and just), then executing a criminal pales in comparison to whatever eternal hell awaits sinners, so it seems like a waste.
If, on the other hand, we're born and we live and die, and this is it? This is our one life? Then execution is the worst punishment there is. It's the worst thing that can happen. Because that means you were so vile we as humans didn't want you around anymore. You don't get to make things worse, or even try to make up for your misdeeds. It's the biggest middle finger we can give to evil people. "we're going to kill you because of what you've done, and that's the end of you."
It makes martyrdom by islamic extremists worth nothing, and costs those suicide bombers everything. And it makes the murder of good people and innocent children the worst thing that you can possibly do another human being and to society.
Because of this, war should truly be a last resort. You're not sending the enemy to meet their fathers in hell. They aren't dying and going to their Gods. We snuff out their existence because of the egregious crimes they commit against humanity. Like killing innocents, creating viral bioweapons, and trying to control the world by making people slaves.
We shouldn't end the existence of soldiers and citizens (on our side or the enemy side) for reasons of money, or oil, or a difference of political opinion. No, save war for when it really matters.
When does it matter? Defense of life. Liberty. Property. Protecting the right to pursue happiness. We as a people should consider ourselves lucky to have such direction, and unlike our politicians should not take such rights, responsibilities, punishments and eventualities lightly.
When we kill (and many of us do), we should kill because there is no other punishment sufficient for the enemies crimes. Be dammed sure, take no pleasure, and realize that you are simply doing what must be done for the benefit of mankind.
Knowing what it is like to step over a thousand corpses doesn't make you a 'hard man'. It makes you one who understands the true price of life and death, love and hate, freedom and slavery.
It's dear to my heart and I'm passionate about it. I'll get off my soap box now, as I'm probably preaching to the choir.
So, we'd need to make them immortal?
Hard pass! Lol
Show respect for your enemy. Kill them quickly, without torture.
Not my idea, just correcting a misunderstanding
Physical reincarnation of my constituent matter? Absolutely. I like the thought of my atoms, molecules, and nutrients helping something else grow. My matter will live on in other things - both alive and dead - long after I'm gone. That's reassuring.
Reincarnation of the soul? I mean, that would be awesome and amazing, but at the same time it'd make me feel like the game of life is kind of rigged. So what if you're a pedo or serial killer? Doesn't matter for your victims or you, you're just going to keep repeating until you get it right.
Theres a certain beauty to it, and I guess it would be balanced. But I can't reconcile my support of the death penalty with reincarnation (or God, for that matter). If we reincarnate, executing someone brings bad karma and just forces the process to repeat early. If we're talking the God of Abraham (or some other Supreme being who is fair and just), then executing a criminal pales in comparison to whatever eternal hell awaits sinners, so it seems like a waste.
If, on the other hand, we're born and we live and die, and this is it? This is our one life? Then execution is the worst punishment there is. It's the worst thing that can happen. Because that means you were so vile we as humans didn't want you around anymore. You don't get to make things worse, or even try to make up for your misdeeds. It's the biggest middle finger we can give to evil people. "we're going to kill you because of what you've done, and that's the end of you."
It makes martyrdom by islamic extremists worth nothing, and costs those suicide bombers everything. And it makes the murder of good people and innocent children the worst thing that you can possibly do another human being and to society.
Because of this, war should truly be a last resort. You're not sending the enemy to meet their fathers in hell. They aren't dying and going to their Gods. We snuff out their existence because of the egregious crimes they commit against humanity. Like killing innocents, creating viral bioweapons, and trying to control the world by making people slaves.
We shouldn't end the existence of soldiers and citizens (on our side or the enemy side) for reasons of money, or oil, or a difference of political opinion. No, save war for when it really matters.
When does it matter? Defense of life. Liberty. Property. Protecting the right to pursue happiness. We as a people should consider ourselves lucky to have such direction, and unlike our politicians should not take such rights, responsibilities, punishments and eventualities lightly.
When we kill (and many of us do), we should kill because there is no other punishment sufficient for the enemies crimes. Be dammed sure, take no pleasure, and realize that you are simply doing what must be done for the benefit of mankind.
Knowing what it is like to step over a thousand corpses doesn't make you a 'hard man'. It makes you one who understands the true price of life and death, love and hate, freedom and slavery.
It's dear to my heart and I'm passionate about it. I'll get off my soap box now, as I'm probably preaching to the choir.
The only reason you should care about Karma is if you're accumulating a lot of bad Karma or if you're trying to escape Samsara.
If you're content to reincarnate, enacting justice without cruelty is not going to be a big bother.
Most religions make a distinction between murder, self defense and justice. God doesn't expect you to let a predator get you without a fight.