I agree. They're gonna lose their shit. Riots from 2020 will look small and controlled compared to these psychos that can't take a fucking pill or shut their whore legs. I am a woman and I understand now why we have been oppressed. It's because of these emotional and immature sluts that keep showing their asses throughout history.
I think it goes deeper than being a slut. These people have been programmed to treat abortion as a sacrament of sorts. When they see it being attacked, they become unhinged. They are wired, quite literally, to preserve the sacrament by any means necessary. I don't think they realize how crazed they become. It isn't only women lining up and screaming ... there are a significant number of men completely unhinged over the news.
All of that being said, I couldn't care less what happens to them. Human beings are fully capable of recognizing errors in judgement and correcting them. It's harder to recognize something wrong when you're brainwashed, but you CAN recognize it. I was a big cheerleader for the Iraq War ... I was completely WRONG in every sense of the word supporting that senseless slaughter. That's torment I will have to carry with me the rest of my years on this planet. While my support translated into a tiny, insignificant percentage of 'blame' for lack of better terms, I still gave the OK for many troops to have their limbs blown off or worse all because some DS sick fuck wanted to flex his muscles and teach former allies a lesson.
Regarding abortion, many, many, many years ago (I'm talking later teenage years when you should know better), I was pretty much middle of the road when the issue came up. I didn't care that it was happening. I didn't care if it was legal or not. It made absolutely no difference to me. That lasted until I saw an abortion protestor with a sign that had a murdered fetus on it. I can remember where I saw it, and can almost remember the face of the man wearing the sign. That shook me out of my stupor. I started to learn more about the process and was sickened that I would be so nonchalant when it comes to the murder of the defenseless. Yes, the picture was quite graphic, but murder is just that.
Millions of people on this planet, good people, cannot have children. It makes absolutely no sense to me that anyone should murder a child in their womb when there are millions of people out there that would gladly take care of them, give them a loving home, and raise them well.
The only arguments I'll listen to when it comes to aborting a pregnancy are those that involve the mother's life or cases of rape and incest. Two of those can be addressed almost immediately after conception (mother's life and rape) ... long before a heartbeat is present. Incest cases are extremely rare. I think there are sane ways of handling all three of these extremely rare instances that do not involve murdering a person. In general, people are aborting lives due to the "inconvenience" a pregnancy causes. That is sickening.
On a side note, if any inhuman progressive tells you that those anti-abortion signs do not work, that is because they do work. They'll scream and yell that those kinds of signs needlessly torture women that have had an abortion. That's bullshit. If the process really didn't harm anyone, why would a sign with a picture torture them? They'll claim that an abortion is nothing more than the removal of some cells from a womb. Why do these clumps of cells always look like a tiny human being? I think we all know the answer ... it's a shame that those that support this barbaric act (and it is barbaric in every single sense of the word) know the truth, but are too proud to recognize the errors of their ways.
I agree. They're gonna lose their shit. Riots from 2020 will look small and controlled compared to these psychos that can't take a fucking pill or shut their whore legs. I am a woman and I understand now why we have been oppressed. It's because of these emotional and immature sluts that keep showing their asses throughout history.
I think it goes deeper than being a slut. These people have been programmed to treat abortion as a sacrament of sorts. When they see it being attacked, they become unhinged. They are wired, quite literally, to preserve the sacrament by any means necessary. I don't think they realize how crazed they become. It isn't only women lining up and screaming ... there are a significant number of men completely unhinged over the news.
All of that being said, I couldn't care less what happens to them. Human beings are fully capable of recognizing errors in judgement and correcting them. It's harder to recognize something wrong when you're brainwashed, but you CAN recognize it. I was a big cheerleader for the Iraq War ... I was completely WRONG in every sense of the word supporting that senseless slaughter. That's torment I will have to carry with me the rest of my years on this planet. While my support translated into a tiny, insignificant percentage of 'blame' for lack of better terms, I still gave the OK for many troops to have their limbs blown off or worse all because some DS sick fuck wanted to flex his muscles and teach former allies a lesson.
Regarding abortion, many, many, many years ago (I'm talking later teenage years when you should know better), I was pretty much middle of the road when the issue came up. I didn't care that it was happening. I didn't care if it was legal or not. It made absolutely no difference to me. That lasted until I saw an abortion protestor with a sign that had a murdered fetus on it. I can remember where I saw it, and can almost remember the face of the man wearing the sign. That shook me out of my stupor. I started to learn more about the process and was sickened that I would be so nonchalant when it comes to the murder of the defenseless. Yes, the picture was quite graphic, but murder is just that.
Millions of people on this planet, good people, cannot have children. It makes absolutely no sense to me that anyone should murder a child in their womb when there are millions of people out there that would gladly take care of them, give them a loving home, and raise them well.
The only arguments I'll listen to when it comes to aborting a pregnancy are those that involve the mother's life or cases of rape and incest. Two of those can be addressed almost immediately after conception (mother's life and rape) ... long before a heartbeat is present. Incest cases are extremely rare. I think there are sane ways of handling all three of these extremely rare instances that do not involve murdering a person. In general, people are aborting lives due to the "inconvenience" a pregnancy causes. That is sickening.
On a side note, if any inhuman progressive tells you that those anti-abortion signs do not work, that is because they do work. They'll scream and yell that those kinds of signs needlessly torture women that have had an abortion. That's bullshit. If the process really didn't harm anyone, why would a sign with a picture torture them? They'll claim that an abortion is nothing more than the removal of some cells from a womb. Why do these clumps of cells always look like a tiny human being? I think we all know the answer ... it's a shame that those that support this barbaric act (and it is barbaric in every single sense of the word) know the truth, but are too proud to recognize the errors of their ways.
This will be an insanurectum
They are already outside the court now@
Good point.