Oh the beautiful timing, as the Supreme Court starts wrapping up the ultimate Mother’s Day gift.
This is the answer to millions upon millions of prayers, including the prayers of 50 million murdered babies in the US alone.
Don’t fret about protests, journalists’ outrage, threats of retribution … God’s intervention cannot be defeated with a couple million Karens with signs.
Thank DJT. Thank RBG for not leaving while Obama was in office. Thank the newest Justices who have been so maligned by the Right. And thank God. Endlessly.
I think that regardless of what people say, It will not go the way hardline pro-lifers want: The decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Casey simply took the Tenth Amendment Right of the states to decide abortion policy away, and dictated that the Federal government would be the arbiter of how abortion policy would be decided in this country. What some previous recent decisions have done is to restore the state's rights in these instances. I believe this will be the only effect of an overturn of Roe and Doe: To restore to the states the power to decide this issue for themselves, at least at first. Planned (un)Parenthood's federal funding may become an issue later, but that will be for the House and Senate to deal with, and primarily the House. I pray the justices who support overturn both stay strong and stay alive...