posted ago by g8rb81 ago by g8rb81 +14 / -0

Chelsea Manning: Second Amendment advocate … who knew?

We can’t really be sure what inspired Chelsea Manning to share this advice, but we do know we certainly agree with it:

for those of you who are just catching up: if you are able to afford it, and if it is safe for you to do so, you should consider arming yourselves, then finding others to train with in teams and learn how to defend your community—we may need these skills in the very near future

— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) May 3, 2022

When it comes to safely armed and responsible citizens, the more the merrier!

There’s some speculation that Manning’s tweet was spurred by yesterday’s SCOTUS leak that could potentially mean the end of Roe v. Wade:

Is the implication here that overturning Roe v Wade would incur civil war? If so, does someone have a broad-brush-stroke sense of how that chain of events might unfold?

— James Maskill (@maskillj) May 3, 2022

Good question.

Best answer (and trust us, we had to scroll through a whole lot of “interesting” to get to it):

No. It sends it to the state legislature. Some states will end up with abortion regulations that cover up until birth(CA, NY). Others will have laws like Texas. This is fear mongering before the midterm election. It distracts low information single issue voters from other issues.
