Naughty Nato! Staggering information is coming out of Turkish media outlets today claiming that at least fifty (50) senior officers of the French military, are trapped underground at the Azovstal steel mill plant in Mariupol Ukraine, surrounded by Russian troops.
🧠 Ces gens sont stupides!
Thanks very much. Quite helpful. Couple of questions - what is the point of Ukr killing the Russian speaking Ukraine citizens who are living/producing for Ukraine? Is this all just NATO vs Russia, and Zelensky had to choose a side, and he chose NATO (since the Obama period) because they had more money? What do you see as the end of this conflict? A quick, negotiated agreement since the NATO countries' populations most likely aren't behind an expanded war? And, a quick settlement, since Putin has captured NATO country top brass in Ukraine in direct violation of the 2014 agreement?
Because they speak Russian. And they can FF the attacks and blame Russia. It’s two birds one stone for the Nazis.
Also because there is immense natural resource wealth in the Donbass, and if the ethnic Russians are exterminated, the Ukrainian elite can take it over. Very simple: Kill the redskins and take their silver. That should be so surprising to us?