This reminds me of a few months ago, when we were talking about Kenosha Pass on Pikes Peak and then a few days later South Park aired a trailer that depicted a road sign for Kenosha Pass, and predictive programming that predicted the Waukesha attack.
Am I going crazy or could there be something to this? Why would Dave Chappelle be attacked by a tranny at a stadium designed by FLW's son the day after Chapelle's hometown gets brought up in a conversation with you, who is one of the most censored people on the net?
She was given the title of "Official Witch of Los Angeles County" from the supervisor of the third district of Los Angeles County in 1968 during a series of summer concerts sponsored by her at the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
She was given a legal document, a certificate that stated she was designed that way because of her supernatural powers. The certificate was affixed with the County Seal and was signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors, at that time, Ernest Debs.
In 1970 Louise Huebner operated as a public psychic and witch and traveled to Salem, Massachusetts, where the mayor presented her with a broom.
Occasionally she was invited to assist in crime detection.
They want to protect the elites from the public. These events are signals. Will Smith’s slap was also coordinated in advance.
Just guessing here.. Could they be signalling that Dave Chapelle's hometown of Yellow Springs is a designated safe place for the elites when things get tumultuous? Wasn't Chappelle just in the news for wanting to stop people from moving there?
Chappelle Name Meaning
French: topographic name for someone who lived by a chapel or church
What “church” was Olympia Brown affiliated with? There is one in downtown Racine.
What “church” was Frank Lloyd Wright (and his father) affiliated with?
They were universalists and unitarians. In 1878, Olympia Brown accepted a call to a church in Racine, Wisconsin, where she would serve as minister until 1887.
So it is related to what we were talking about yesterday, then? Dave "Chappelle" means Chapel and Olympia Brown was a pioneer in female ministry (a type of inversion)... So they had a tranny (a type of inversion) attack Dave "Chapel" at a Unitarian/Universalist "Chapel" built by FLW's son to alert the elites to the fact that "the public" has become aware of the fact that the place where Olympia Brown went to college is one of their hideouts for when everything goes crazy? Or am I just crazy?
I'm not sure. The Axis Mundi concept seems like a foundational aspect to the one world religion project though.
What is the foundation of witchcraft? What is Second Salem?
If I had to guess, I'd say the foundation of Witchcraft was water. Second Salem appears to be Whitewater, Wisconsin, which is right next to Racine. Most places named Salem, including Salem MA are on the "Waconda line" that I've been talking about. Salem MA is almost perfectly aligned with Racine.
Racine: 42.7261°
Second Salem (Whitewater WI): 42.8336°
Salem, Massachusetts: 42.5195°
Both Jesus Christ and Melchizedek are the "King of Salem". There are a lot of theories about Melchizedek being a time traveler... I wonder how the 8th Wonder of the World ties into this.
Wow! 🤯
No, I don’t think you’re crazy. You my friend are an out of the box thinker! There is a reason these weird happenings keep occurring. The elites are a cult with a deep history. I believe you may be correct that they are alerting one another. I wish I could offer you more than just encouragement but this is not in my wheel house! Keep up the good work.
Yep, which means so is Siena, Italy which is associated with the Racine Dominicans and Jacobs ladder
While I was looking up the coordinates of Whitewater a few minutes ago, I noticed one of the nearby places was "Woodstock", Illinois (which is located 66 km northwest of Chicago).
I looked up where the Woodstock concerts were held, and they were held in Bethel New York 41°41′N, where the Son of Sam attended camp as a kid. Bethel just came up yesterday when we were talking about Enoch and the Poleshift and the 42 lads from Bethel who were attacked by a bear. The author believed Bethel was a metaphor for the center of the galaxy
Is the signal that's being broadcast to the elites that they will be allowed to use extreme force to "defend themselves" against a future angry populace?
Are these your words or are they copied from the source or some sarcasm that is going over my head? Because the words say cops intimidating and beating peaceful protestors and Chappelle's guards brutalized a guy who tried to tackle him.
For one the protesters in that video were not peaceful, they were antagonizing and violent. And Chappelles guards should have stomped the shit out of that fool who tackled him with a knife shaped like a gun
Hope they stomped the woman right out of HIM.
Are you still going to say that when Homeland Security comes to push you around for being "antagonistic" after vaccine mandates become the law of the land?
If anybody in this world needs to wake up, it's you who needs to wake up to how the Hegelian Dialectic works. Leftists were allowed to laugh at the concept of bodily autonomy for the last two years, and now they are getting exactly what they asked for. If you think calling out Homeland Security against your political opposition the moment they get even mildly rowdy is a good idea, you're going to get exactly what you're asking for as well. There was no riot that night. Nothing justified the presence of Homeland Security and they were only there to provoke and flex the muscle of the national security state.
I hope people like you will wake up in time to see what you're being set up for.
My intuition tells me you’re onto something. What, I don’t know..... But it definitely is interesting. Everything just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Official witch? The vast majority of these people are posers who have no idea about real sorcery. Modern witchcraft is so diluted that it's hardly effective. I'll roll a D20, cast magic missile and drop three D6 damage on that bitch.
Does this have anything to do with the fact that just yesterday we were talking about Dave Chapelle's hometown of Yellow Springs near Orators Mound, which is located at the same exact place that Olympia Brown went to college and is oddly on a perfectly straight line with Waconda Springs? (Both places were the location of a supposedly 'miraculous' health spa.)
This reminds me of a few months ago, when we were talking about Kenosha Pass on Pikes Peak and then a few days later South Park aired a trailer that depicted a road sign for Kenosha Pass, and predictive programming that predicted the Waukesha attack.
Am I going crazy or could there be something to this? Why would Dave Chappelle be attacked by a tranny at a stadium designed by FLW's son the day after Chapelle's hometown gets brought up in a conversation with you, who is one of the most censored people on the net?
/u/TheTruthspreadsinNY u/Blue-collar745 u/BTFO
She was given the title of "Official Witch of Los Angeles County" from the supervisor of the third district of Los Angeles County in 1968 during a series of summer concerts sponsored by her at the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
She was given a legal document, a certificate that stated she was designed that way because of her supernatural powers. The certificate was affixed with the County Seal and was signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors, at that time, Ernest Debs.
In 1970 Louise Huebner operated as a public psychic and witch and traveled to Salem, Massachusetts, where the mayor presented her with a broom.
Occasionally she was invited to assist in crime detection.
What the hell?
Thank you for additional information and the timing of these events are indeed peculiar.
They perform ritual events at designated locations.
All of the Hollywood elite are familiar with the events at the Bowl.
The Supreme Court “leak” has also been planned for a long time.
They want to protect the elites from the public. These events are signals. Will Smith’s slap was also coordinated in advance.
What “church” was Olympia Brown affiliated with? There is one in downtown Racine.
What “church” was Frank Lloyd Wright (and his father) affiliated with?
What is the foundation of One World Religion?
What is the foundation of witchcraft? What is Second Salem?
Will follow up later on your other connections posted in recent days.
Just guessing here.. Could they be signalling that Dave Chapelle's hometown of Yellow Springs is a designated safe place for the elites when things get tumultuous? Wasn't Chappelle just in the news for wanting to stop people from moving there?
Chappelle Name Meaning French: topographic name for someone who lived by a chapel or church
They were universalists and unitarians. In 1878, Olympia Brown accepted a call to a church in Racine, Wisconsin, where she would serve as minister until 1887.
So it is related to what we were talking about yesterday, then? Dave "Chappelle" means Chapel and Olympia Brown was a pioneer in female ministry (a type of inversion)... So they had a tranny (a type of inversion) attack Dave "Chapel" at a Unitarian/Universalist "Chapel" built by FLW's son to alert the elites to the fact that "the public" has become aware of the fact that the place where Olympia Brown went to college is one of their hideouts for when everything goes crazy? Or am I just crazy?
Come to think of it, when the South Park trailer aired and depicted a sign for Kenosha Pass, we had also speculated that was a safe haven for "when things get bad". The South Park trailer even referenced things "getting really bad" a few seconds before it predicted the Waukesha car attack.
I'm not sure. The Axis Mundi concept seems like a foundational aspect to the one world religion project though.
If I had to guess, I'd say the foundation of Witchcraft was water. Second Salem appears to be Whitewater, Wisconsin, which is right next to Racine. Most places named Salem, including Salem MA are on the "Waconda line" that I've been talking about. Salem MA is almost perfectly aligned with Racine.
Both Jesus Christ and Melchizedek are the "King of Salem". There are a lot of theories about Melchizedek being a time traveler... I wonder how the 8th Wonder of the World ties into this.
/u/5DWeBe u/TheTruthspreadsinNY u/Blue-collar745 u/BTFO
Wow! 🤯 No, I don’t think you’re crazy. You my friend are an out of the box thinker! There is a reason these weird happenings keep occurring. The elites are a cult with a deep history. I believe you may be correct that they are alerting one another. I wish I could offer you more than just encouragement but this is not in my wheel house! Keep up the good work.
Yep, which means so is Siena, Italy which is associated with the Racine Dominicans and Jacobs ladder
While I was looking up the coordinates of Whitewater a few minutes ago, I noticed one of the nearby places was "Woodstock", Illinois (which is located 66 km northwest of Chicago).
I looked up where the Woodstock concerts were held, and they were held in Bethel New York 41°41′N, where the Son of Sam attended camp as a kid. Bethel just came up yesterday when we were talking about Enoch and the Poleshift and the 42 lads from Bethel who were attacked by a bear. The author believed Bethel was a metaphor for the center of the galaxy
/u/TrustTheTruth u/Blue-collar745 u/BTFO
Is absolutely everything we see a ritual of some sort? Even Harambe looks like a ritual now.
Harambee Park, Boston Massachusetts: 42.2927° N
Harambee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 43.0711°N
On second thought, does this have anything to do with the fact that "Homeland Security Police" were patrolling the streets of Los Angeles last night and intimidating and beating peaceful pro-abortion demonstrators?
Dave Chappelles security were acting the exact same way, absolutely brutalizing the guy who tried to tackle him
Is the signal that's being broadcast to the elites that they will be allowed to use extreme force to "defend themselves" against a future angry populace?
/u/ThetruthSpreadsinNY u/Blue-collar745 u/BTFO
Are these your words or are they copied from the source or some sarcasm that is going over my head? Because the words say cops intimidating and beating peaceful protestors and Chappelle's guards brutalized a guy who tried to tackle him. For one the protesters in that video were not peaceful, they were antagonizing and violent. And Chappelles guards should have stomped the shit out of that fool who tackled him with a knife shaped like a gun Hope they stomped the woman right out of HIM.
Are you still going to say that when Homeland Security comes to push you around for being "antagonistic" after vaccine mandates become the law of the land?
If anybody in this world needs to wake up, it's you who needs to wake up to how the Hegelian Dialectic works. Leftists were allowed to laugh at the concept of bodily autonomy for the last two years, and now they are getting exactly what they asked for. If you think calling out Homeland Security against your political opposition the moment they get even mildly rowdy is a good idea, you're going to get exactly what you're asking for as well. There was no riot that night. Nothing justified the presence of Homeland Security and they were only there to provoke and flex the muscle of the national security state.
I hope people like you will wake up in time to see what you're being set up for.
My intuition tells me you’re onto something. What, I don’t know..... But it definitely is interesting. Everything just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Official witch? The vast majority of these people are posers who have no idea about real sorcery. Modern witchcraft is so diluted that it's hardly effective. I'll roll a D20, cast magic missile and drop three D6 damage on that bitch.