There is a huge coincidence in terms of time line that I find very interesting. We all know about the coming financial collapse to end the central banking system. Gold standard, Petro dollar - all these are related to this. What if abortion is as well ?
1971 - Nixon took US off gold standard
1971 - 1973 - Oil crisis (orchestrated no doubt) leading to petro-dollar
1971 - Roe vs Wade argued
1971 - Nixon launches his famous "War on Drugs"
1973 - Abortion forcefully made legal in every state in US
1973 - DEA created.
My thesis - When US went off the gold standard they needed something to back it.
Ostensibly it was Gas that backed the dollar.
Most smart anons already know drugs were part of this.
But what if selling baby parts was the third pillar to prop up paper dollars in a ponzi economic system?
Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production.
This year Russia is bringing Gold standard back and is destroying petro-dollar.
Now we are seeing Roe vs Wade being overturned?
Is this all a coincidence?
Great analysis. It's certainly possible, we know that there were contemporaneous Rothschild balls where shattered baby doll imagery was part of the decor, along with golden animal masks and headpieces.
The Beatles, who were groomed assets, had an album cover featuring them in butcher smocks with assorted bits of meat and baby doll parts, which was 1966. We have reason to believe they were at these balls.
How.long were these people working at this? Was the mass propagation of LSD and mind control through media in this era directly related to resetting and brainwashing humanity to a malleable dependent state? Were they used to dull the moral senses and remove Christian values?
Were they used to aid in the social programming of "Abortion is Good" to aid their baby part racket?
Did the world need a giant drugfuck haze to allow them space and time to complete their goals?
Loool at LSD "brainwashing" people to be more malleable and In a dependent state. That's not how drugs work, and not how LSD works. Psychedelics aren't some scary substance that turns off your brain completely and just makes you into a blank slate to be corrupted and manipulated. If anything it opens ones mind up to lots of possibilities out there in this life and new ways of thinking.
LSD was specifically developed FOR mind control.
Saying "Psychedelics are X" or "Psychedelics are not X" is a shell game answer, as psychedelics aren't this blanket thing.
Psychedelics aren't all the same drug. Even among the same drug, the same batch, the same person can have wildly different reactions and trips.
I'm not saying it necessarily had the intended effect they designed it for, but it was certainly part of the breaking of society, used in conjunction with mass media Crowleyite programming.
I'm siding with you on this one.
"Magic Mushrooms", peyote, etc. have been consumed for thousands of years. This was and is a part of shamanism, etc. These were not designed for/used for mind control, generally.
In contrast, drugs like Ketamine and LSD were designed by dudes in labcoats for "Super Soldier" type government programs, and mind control of populations (Monarch Program/MK Ultra, etc.). And it does appear that the CIA and US Armed Forces were very much involved in the formulation of these drugs (probably a bunch of Paperclip weirdos started it all), in conducting experiments with the drugs (probably most people have seen the old Army video of soldiers haplessly trying to walk together in formation, while on LSD), and even with their distribution in the USA in San Francisco and Laurel Canyon/LA (this is where we start to see weird connections to Charles Manson, Jim Morrison, etc.). It's all more than a little bizarre.
And yes, the strength and purity (and indeed even which molecule) can differ, sometimes very much, from producer to producer, and batch to batch. By some estimates, the LSD that Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary et al were taking was 10x as strong as the LSD available today. Can I prove that? Of course not. But I shudder to think how strong that must have been, if the stories are true.
I agree that whatever they set out to make with LSD and their mind control studies at like Harvard divinity school, they didn't succeed. Psychedelics have helped many people to overcome things in their lives, expand their thinking, now there's work with psychedelics to fix migraines, PTSD, and treatment resistant depression. I think they've been a net good on society.
And sure not all psychedelics are the same. There's a large variety of substances and research chemicals that all can produce unique effects and mindsets in different ways. Some are better for certain situations or goals then others. And sure, sometimes the dosages aren't exactly right, but it doesn't change the "feel" or effects of the trip. Either it's the chemical that produces psychedelic effects or it's not. You're not going to have a completely different type of trip from the same batch of substance.