There is a huge coincidence in terms of time line that I find very interesting. We all know about the coming financial collapse to end the central banking system. Gold standard, Petro dollar - all these are related to this. What if abortion is as well ?
1971 - Nixon took US off gold standard
1971 - 1973 - Oil crisis (orchestrated no doubt) leading to petro-dollar
1971 - Roe vs Wade argued
1971 - Nixon launches his famous "War on Drugs"
1973 - Abortion forcefully made legal in every state in US
1973 - DEA created.
My thesis - When US went off the gold standard they needed something to back it.
Ostensibly it was Gas that backed the dollar.
Most smart anons already know drugs were part of this.
But what if selling baby parts was the third pillar to prop up paper dollars in a ponzi economic system?
Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production.
This year Russia is bringing Gold standard back and is destroying petro-dollar.
Now we are seeing Roe vs Wade being overturned?
Is this all a coincidence?
"Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production."
Has there been a decrease in heroin in the USA since this happened?
Regardless of the heroin, I think your theory has a lot of merit. If RvW is overturned, the blue states are still going to be aborting like mad ... plus a lot of red states have measures present to prevent an instant ban of abortion.
That isn't enough for the left though ... they seem to be depending on all 50 states to be killing babies. They're raising hell over this for political campaign reasons of course, but they seem to have gone full retard++ ... if they start "protesting" (i.e. rioting) like they did in 2020, they aren't going to be able to cover that up like they did last time ... moreover, they'll lose even MORE support from independents thus wiping out any gains they might have made exploiting the overturn of RvW.
Campaigns on the left have to know this. It isn't a stretch to believe that they're howling for other reasons. Money makes the most sense. We already know a lot of these satanic death stations sell fetal corpses ... I really think you are onto something here. I don't know if aborted body parts earn them enough to be a pillar of support for the worthless USD, but I'd have to imagine that somebody important is going to be losing a couple billion dollars in the fetal human remains industry.
Thats worth digging. All I know is the moment Taliban actually started enforcing the opium ban, the Cabal caused a coup in Pakistan, put Imran Khan on charges of treason bearing down a death sentence. To me thats very telling.
And yes, if baby parts are funding the deficit, just like everything else in the economy, the amount of abortions and the amount of baby parts needs to keep growing to keep up with the pyramid scheme. Hence the need for abortions in all states, hence the aggressive campaign to get women to abort as many times as they can, and push to abort later and later in the pregnancy.
When they start rioting, I believe they will bring out their Afghan terrorist assets. I also believe all of those illegals are closely monitored by the white hats. There is a chance that all this will escalate pretty fast.
This is a very good point. I dont know the answer as to whether its just another industry, or its a pillar of the economy. My gut feeling says it's a pillar, we have to wait and see.
Heroin hasn't been a thing or an issue for at least a couple of years. People addicted to street opiates have said it was increasingly hard to get regular heroin starting at least a couple years ago, and nearly everything anymore on the street is versions of fentanyl. Any opium trade ban in the middle east is already too late to make a difference in the United States, and most likely the opium would have been sold to another part of the world, since it's easily been at least a couple years since heroin was common in the US.
When i was a narc first we got oxymoron purest into our streets. Chinese, via Mexico, then we got rhe heroin, then we got the Chinese fetynal. Then we got dead addicts. The demographic. Middle class white kids 18 to 25.
It actually makes sense that the phasing out of the drugs has started couple years ago. Whatever final supplies are being cut out are probably the last taps being turned off. This is all part of the controlled demolition.