COVID-19 is a hoax - the virus has never been isolated. It has co-opted the seasonal flu.
The PCR test produces 95% false positives to create demand for the vax.
The "vaccine" is NOT a vaccine - it is an experimental gene therapy.
Animal testing for the vax was a failure and the EUA was rammed through without proper human testing. The manufacturers have sought to defer release of testing documentation for 55 years.
The VAERS database is compromised (likely only reporting 10% of adverse events and death).
The MSM, Big Pharma, Big Tech and the rest of the evil cabal have conspired to exploit the people (trillions of dollars sucked out of the economy to fight a ghost that they created), suppress the truth (about HCQ and Ivermectin), destroy the country (mask mandates, lockdowns, travel restrictions) and genocide (which they call de-population).
I had the flu the spring before Covid then I got Covid during the “delta” wave along with my husband and 11 yr old daughter. It was very similar to the flu at first but then after a week when I thought I was getting better I started to get worse more fever then vomiting and then diarrhea. I had a pulse oximeter at home that I was using the day I finally broke down and went to the hospital my O2 was at 86 - it was awful, I was so miserable. And I had ZERO congestion and no coughing just all of a sudden my oxygen levels went down. This didn’t happen for my husband he had the flu like symptoms but could still get up and function- mostly which when he’s had the flu before he was in bed for days (when he was in his 30s ) my daughter had a runny nose for a few days and that was it. So yes it’s similar, but it’s not “the flu”.
Some people are still doing this “it doesn’t exist” bull shit? Amazing…
I had the flu the spring before Covid then I got Covid during the “delta” wave along with my husband and 11 yr old daughter. It was very similar to the flu at first but then after a week when I thought I was getting better I started to get worse more fever then vomiting and then diarrhea. I had a pulse oximeter at home that I was using the day I finally broke down and went to the hospital my O2 was at 86 - it was awful, I was so miserable. And I had ZERO congestion and no coughing just all of a sudden my oxygen levels went down. This didn’t happen for my husband he had the flu like symptoms but could still get up and function- mostly which when he’s had the flu before he was in bed for days (when he was in his 30s ) my daughter had a runny nose for a few days and that was it. So yes it’s similar, but it’s not “the flu”.