But the cell phone data isn't 10 foot, it's actually accurate to 18in - 12in, and many of the drop boxes had CCTV watching them so it is extremely easy to see who comes back multiple times and drops of multiple ballots.
Along with the cell phone data and CCTV images the way these mules got paid was to take a photo as they delivered them to the drop box? The mules had to do this as evidence to their handlers and then to get paid. Around 10 dollars per ballot! That metadata is also recorded. As are the daily visits to the buildings where they pickled up the ballot's from.
The CCTV images show them placing the ballot's into the box, and often then discarding the latex gloves they had on so as not to leave fingerprints. I suppose some would argue they had gloves on to keep warm, but you don't discard your gloves every time do you?
But the cell phone data isn't 10 foot, it's actually accurate to 18in - 12in, and many of the drop boxes had CCTV watching them so it is extremely easy to see who comes back multiple times and drops of multiple ballots.
Along with the cell phone data and CCTV images the way these mules got paid was to take a photo as they delivered them to the drop box? The mules had to do this as evidence to their handlers and then to get paid. Around 10 dollars per ballot! That metadata is also recorded. As are the daily visits to the buildings where they pickled up the ballot's from.
The CCTV images show them placing the ballot's into the box, and often then discarding the latex gloves they had on so as not to leave fingerprints. I suppose some would argue they had gloves on to keep warm, but you don't discard your gloves every time do you?
I'm going by what was in the article,
This matches up with my findings when searching for more information.
Where do you get "18in - 12in" from?
I do plan to watch the movie, so maybe it will answer that and other questions for me, like where there's evidence of
Here, watch.
"Experts say"..............kek.
So.. what do your experts say? Where'd that 1 to 1.5 foot margin come from?