Look what just got UNSEALED!
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I am guessing that they have already taken the testimony from her while the order was under seal. The point was to make sure Fusion GPS/Hillary Cabal dont get the wind that she is co-operating.
I would guess that it is being unsealed as a way of letting Sussman and gang know that they have further witnesses against him.
Ultimately I expect Sussman to change his plea to "guilty" and try and make a deal with the SC. My guess? That deal would require him to throw FBI under the bus.
That's my understanding of it, but I try to stay out of the legal system. Usually brought in for questioning, they go get their lawyer, they talk with their lawyer and spill the beans, the lawyer then decides if a deal should be made for immunity, if it's juicy enough, then the deal is made, they swear to an affidavit/confession and agree to testify in exchange for the immunity.
Exactly. Often times the unsealing occurs after the testimony is given. This just locks the witness into being unable to recant their statements later.
I stopped reading pretty fast, doesnt it say a motion to seal? not unseal?
It covered the original and then the unsealing. Patience is a virtue Fren.
Gotcha, thanks.
Yeah it was originally filed under seal. This was the original filing. The motion has been just unsealed.
oh awesome!
Fusion GPS's Laura Seago will now be legally compelled to testify. I just hope her testimony is juicy enough to warrant her immunity.
She could always so "no" and go on her merry way. But that would force her to spend time in the big house for a while. My guess is she will never sit for an interview because of heart problems, jab problems, or clinton problems. If she testifies she will be offed.
I'm betting the testimony happened already. Durham is too smart to leave a witness dangling out there.
if only the word was sent, those assholes in Congress would run, really run