This is just for example Anons. Health Ranger can be a decent site at times, but can also feature articles where the writer/s seem to be outside the loop of our/Q’s Plan, and never sitting down to read through Devolution. This article does a nice subtle job to push the Vaccine Blame right onto Trump’s lap, instead of blaming the actual doctors and scientists for the chemicals they chose to use. And it does not blame the bureaucrat heads for not completing proper data, hiding data, and mandating a vaccine! As we know the vaxx should have been left as A Choice, as Trump requested and wanted.
A great leader in war chooses the route of the least amount of casualties to win, if that option is possible! And Trump chose the best and only option he really had to Catch Them All. Anyway I just thought this was a good example of “Patriot Writer Smack Own Face”, or inserting disinformation on a periodic waffling Patriot site.
Agreed. I think his group tries to be decent, but wants to look at it from a recent Patriot driven plan, and not a plan that was re-adjusted/re-formulated after 9/11. They seem to push the notion that it’s not impossible but likely improbable The Plan was built over the decades from current Fed/Military Insiders, that coded the Q-Drops, vs a bunch of ex/retired military Intel Christians that created this Plan right after Trump became President. And only these people along with We The People. are mostly responsible for its direction. Luckily the End Game is the same result, the total destruction of The Cabal.
The boy needs to read more.
Here's the thing, and people need to get this fact right:
DJT and Q and the Great Awakening and the Fall of the Cabal are ALL Christ's work, executing Heaven's providence.
Christians who fail to wake up to this fact will be making sorry mistakes, very likely leading to the kind of situations Jesus spoke of when he said
GA pedes are among the most blessed of all Christians, because we are participating directly in THE great initiative of the entire age, orchestrated by Christ and his ministers.
To be chosen, you have to realize what Christ is doing right now, and act in concert with it. That's what being "chosen" means.