This is just for example Anons. Health Ranger can be a decent site at times, but can also feature articles where the writer/s seem to be outside the loop of our/Q’s Plan, and never sitting down to read through Devolution. This article does a nice subtle job to push the Vaccine Blame right onto Trump’s lap, instead of blaming the actual doctors and scientists for the chemicals they chose to use. And it does not blame the bureaucrat heads for not completing proper data, hiding data, and mandating a vaccine! As we know the vaxx should have been left as A Choice, as Trump requested and wanted.
A great leader in war chooses the route of the least amount of casualties to win, if that option is possible! And Trump chose the best and only option he really had to Catch Them All. Anyway I just thought this was a good example of “Patriot Writer Smack Own Face”, or inserting disinformation on a periodic waffling Patriot site.
Devolution should not be put on the same level as Q drops.
I have total faith that the Patel is sincere and meticulous in his research and analysis, but he has been very forthcoming in that the theory is simply his best analysis and nothing more.
It should not be taken as gospel.
That being said, I believe Adams to be a good man. For some, Q is a bridge to far. A lack of imagination, a lack of faith, a lack of critical thinking being taken to a clear but extreme point; take your pick as to where Adams defect is.
He's an imperfect man that has missed an important element (Q) in forming his worldview. But given that we have millions of people in this country that hate both this Republic and themselves, I'll gladly accept an imperfect man at my side who believes in freedom and liberty.
Wide discussions of the Trump + vaccines topic have been undertaken by anons and with logic and reasoning, serious explanations putting the issue to rest have been put forth without direct reference to either devolution OR Q either.
Simply, from a strategic viewpoint, there is plenty of argument to support Trump and what he has been doing.