New, much needed flair... "Mental/Physical Health"
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
IDK about you guys, but there are times where i focus way too much on things I cannot control and start losing track of my mental and physical wellbeing. (mental and physical wellbeing is what the flair was supposed to be called but it was too many characters).
Either way, we all need to learn to balance our zen through all this madness going on today. A mentally and physically healthy soldier is a productive soldier. I myself am no master at this. I really hope we here start helping out each other to better each others non digital life. This [flair] is the least i can do.
I agree. Math is meditative, and everytime a connection is made when learning math, an actual pathway is created, linking two portions of the brain. This helps us to be more aware, better problem solvers, and more able to perceive the big picture.
Also, in physical therapy strategies to rehab stroke patients (whose brain pathways have been flooded or starved for blood), we used patterns of movement and posturing that cause the brain to rebuild its roadway system. Those can be built with specific use, or can atrophy with disuse.
There is an audio called Holosync which has this same effect, without the math or the physical therapy. You have to use stereo headphones because the frequency entering the amygdala on one side of the brain is different that the frequency entering the other side of the brain. So, the brain tries to reconcile by vibrating at the difference (which is the frequency of alpha waves), and as the brain communicates between the right and left amygdalas, it lays roadways, connecting the two hemispheres more intricately.
One of the main effects of Holosync is that we don't see things in such a judgmental way. Instead of thinking of a coin as being a "heads" or "tails", we see the coin as a whole. Instead of thinking of a document and only believing the black print has value, we realize the white paper is part of the message...both work together to help us recognize the letters. Instead of impatiently judging events as bad and hopeless, we see what is in front of us clearly, but see it as opportunities to utilize the events to design the path forward. These are like fuel in our car, moving is forward by motivating us to learn, share, and take action.
Tai Chi is also extremely helpful to bring us balance and healthier brain wiring.
Thanks for your post! I’ve been trying to figure out paths for brain health, balance, etc. Do you have recommended sources for Holosync?
I did this: Bill Harris Centerpointe Research Institute Home
It was pricy. Kind of annoying that they charge so much. I am sure there is an inexpensive one that is comparable, but I haven't learned of it.
You cannot advance to the upper levels until you build your brain wiring at the lower levels. Following the instructions is important. Even just the first level is wonderful. I didn't do it often enough, so I continued at that entry level for twice as long as they recommended before I advanced.
I also read Thresholds of the Mind.
Excellent - I will check it out, Thanks!!
Thanks for sharing.
I edited and added some, because I am on an exercise bike right now and had to be sure I didn't accidentally I did it in two parts.
I love math, by the way. Are you good with quantum physics? I read Schrodenger's Cat and Schrodenger's Kitten by Gibbons. I could follow it ..barely. It showed the derivations of the quantum physics equations leading to some of our current concepts and inventions. What I also liked was how it taught you about the lives of the scientists. Of course, now I question who gets credit for what. .especially if the "future scientist" worked in a patent office. LOL.
I took physics in HS & college to meet my science requirements, but only the basic courses. I did take some high level math courses (800 level), but teaching only high school, I remember about as much as my high school Spanish.
Ha. I relate. I had to home school 3 high schoolers. Otherwise, I wouldnt remember how to factor trinomials. Haha
… akin to mental figure-ground reversals …
Yes. Those illusions are fun.
That’s kind of how I see art when I draw and paint
I would love to see some of your art.
I’d have to share some other way as last Friday I got banned for 17 days from this board for sharing a bunch of my stuff all one after another. I had to write mods and explain that I only shared because a bunch of people had requested for me to share when I began picking up for work again since my spinal fusion surgery in March. They removed the ban, but I don’t think I should push my luck. Got somewhere else I can share to.
Ahhh. I see. Maybe you can make a youtube video of them all...put to music. That would be cool.