213 Have you ever wondered why - If "White Privilege" was such a big thing, why would a white woman of prominence...Elizabeth Warren....need to lie about, and actually fake, her race identity as a Native American minority to get into a college? --Pastor Carl Gallups (twitter.com) posted 2 years ago by Katrina241 2 years ago by Katrina241 +213 / -0 36 comments share 36 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Blacks, because no other group of people has been lied to about skin color tribalism than them
Because their own people enslaved them and then blamed the rest of the world
And because they gutted their own culture in exchange for modern excess
I agree.
The whole 50 percent of crime doesn’t mean anything.
This guy is not breaking down the blacks who commit crime va the ones that don’t.
A real data analysis would be a comparison analysis.
You would break down the blacks who commit the crime into a data model.
You would compare that against blacks who don’t commit the crime to see the difference.
Also the 50 percent of the number includes MULTIPLE OFFENSES by the same people.
So then about 5% of the population commits half the crime in the country.
It’s laughable that this is the only argument you can throw out.
It’s a super weak argument. Because all the crime is committed by REPEAT offenders.
So it’s not a constant new supply of criminals.
It's a subsection of a minority population in the country. Yeah they're repeat offenders, should the numbers go down? Or do they continue to commit half the violent crime in the country?
And what does this have to do with racism?
I said racism is a scam! It’s a tool used to divide on purpose.
People are not born racist.
What does crime stats have to do with racism being a scam?!
I never said anything about racism. It's not racist to quote statistics.
When you say 5 percent of the population. Are you saying that it’s a brand new thug that does one crime and that’s it?
Or could one person have an arrest record that adds to the total number of crimes?
The whole culture is fucking terrible.
So. Your point?
Then go back to your own country dude: The crime is part of the Cabals money supply.
Why do you think all the blue states let Antifa and BLM riot without doing anything about it???
Why did Lori crapfoot over here in Chicago seems not to care about trying to fix crime issues???
Why did Lori turn down Trump’s help during the riots???
Why is Soros funding blue state DA’s to turn a blind eye to crime????
Maybe because people like Soros spend his money to learn how social policies can be used to make people poor!!!
You do know there is a such thing as DARK PSYCHOLOGY??!!!!
There is tons of research and money spent on how to manipulate and control people!
Do you not think the Cabal doesn’t spend money on how to control people???
Going town all white land is not going to solve your problem/
When guys like Soros will fund destabilizing polices in neighbor nations.
After Soros destabilize countries.
He will pay to migrate broken low educated migrants to come over and destabilize another nation.
You don’t get it.
This isn’t about forming an all white or all black nation.
This is about exposing rich people who use their money and influence to destabilize countries so they can
There is a reason why they want us sex addicted and drugged up:
What you are not getting:
You think that black people are BORN violent via DNA.
What you will not accept. Is that Africa has some of the best natural resources in the world. Just like Afghanistan!
Invaders have came through those countries and
Now.. that doesn’t mean that black thugs don’t need to go to jail. Because they do need to go to jail.
But the reason why that’s not happening is because those thugs are deep state assets dude.
Your DNA or IQ shit is laughable.
I suggest you educate yourself on how the human brain actually works.
If you knew that. You would know your views are emotional followed by weak logic to justify your anger towards blacks.
It’s ok if you don’t like me dude: I am not going anywhere.
So white power man
And the Dalai Lama is deep state dude/
Here is an article of these rich asshats funding destructive policies for their own gain!!
Is is so hard to believe these family family lines are the reasons why Africa and Afghanistan are shit holes???
And you are complicating social relationships man.
It doesn't matter the cultural makeup.
Social interactions consist of a common sense dialogue between people.
Me living next to an Indian or White man is not a that complicated dude.
Do you know what happens when I see the white man and Indian man on my floor???
NOTHING lol. We say hello to each other and make normal small talk.
After that.. we go our own way.
It doesn't matter the culture or country. Unless you speak different languages.
Your interaction with other people is going to go something like this.
That's it, man.
That's social interaction between most people.
You are making a big deal with cultural differences. As long as you can speak the same language.
It's not going to matter if you live next to the people. Because you are going to spend most of your time
What's my point here.
This is why the MAJORITY of people don't care if they interact with other groups of people.
It's because you aren't going to spend your time with other people in the first place.
If you are talking about FREE shit from the government. THat you believe that whites should get 1st pick to tax dollars.
How about we tell the gov to give all of us the majority of our taxes back!!!
Your idea of whites living with whites.
If your reason is that the languages are different.
That doesn't apply to America dude.
You are complicated ethnic differences. The differences between people do exist.
But it's not too hard to communicate or be neighbors when you speak the same language.
You race-baiters COMPLICATE differences between people. You make them a much bigger deal than they are.