Not even that really. That they apply to the "Bar," the British Accredited Registry/Register/Registrar in order to "practice" law. That "judges" can make up decisions and laws out of thin air. Because they seem to have extraordinary power, deciding what may or may not be presented in a case as evidence, telling reporters to delete spoken words from the written record, threatening people with "contempt of court" if they speak out of line or out of turn. That you "rise" when they walk out of their "chambers."
Nobility wore robes when they "held court." You also knelt in front of them as a symbol of subservience, acknowledging that they're actually above you in life as if by divine right. That people call them "Your Honor," rather than Sire, Your Majesty, My Liege, Your Highness.
You can change the language all you want, and even some of the actions, but they have the same, old meaning. You're submitting to people as if they're above you in life by some divine right. That's why I think our entire judicial system should come crashing down, and replaced with American Constitutional Law.
What does challenging jurisdiction do? People on all sides, including on here, laugh at the sovereign citizen movement. I still don't get how maritime/admiralty law is different from British Common Law. We do have juries over here, and the "judge" isn't the sole arbiter of what goes on.
I firmly believe that lawyers are British agents, and that "judges" are lesser nobility. Maybe we didn't win the War of 1812 after all.
Not even that really. That they apply to the "Bar," the British Accredited Registry/Register/Registrar in order to "practice" law. That "judges" can make up decisions and laws out of thin air. Because they seem to have extraordinary power, deciding what may or may not be presented in a case as evidence, telling reporters to delete spoken words from the written record, threatening people with "contempt of court" if they speak out of line or out of turn. That you "rise" when they walk out of their "chambers."
Nobility wore robes when they "held court." You also knelt in front of them as a symbol of subservience, acknowledging that they're actually above you in life as if by divine right. That people call them "Your Honor," rather than Sire, Your Majesty, My Liege, Your Highness.
You can change the language all you want, and even some of the actions, but they have the same, old meaning. You're submitting to people as if they're above you in life by some divine right. That's why I think our entire judicial system should come crashing down, and replaced with American Constitutional Law.
It's maritime or admiralty. The common law, law of the land, was set aside and maritime brought in by the British. You can challenge jurisdiction...
What does challenging jurisdiction do? People on all sides, including on here, laugh at the sovereign citizen movement. I still don't get how maritime/admiralty law is different from British Common Law. We do have juries over here, and the "judge" isn't the sole arbiter of what goes on.
You have good reason to believe that. Theybare unwittingly but none the less are as members of the barr own3d by the British guild.
The Barr is not state run its a corporation out of Puerto Rico.