oh that’s right you don’t believe in john 6 and instead of using the bible to interpret the bible, you use one misinterpretation to discount the central teaching of the gospel
The central teaching of the Bible is that the Blood of Jesus Christ was spilled to pay the debt for all of the sins of the world and that your belief, and acceptance, of this payment for your sins, gives you salvation in Christ. I can use both the Old and New Testament show you this exact thing. Even my morning Bible read, Psalms 51, speaks of it.
You have one chapter and you are misinterpreting it. Are you trying to save your flesh or your soul?
By the way, I have not at all disposed of John 6. I interpret it spiritually and this can be compared to many other verses for confirmation. I gave these versus to you already^^. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, not in a piece of bread.
God can be both present in the Eucharist as the apostles taught, and as he himself taught (this is the spiritual interpretation of John 6 since what happens is spiritual which is obvious since the bread does not turn into meat like some magic trick), as well as at the throne in heaven, since He is God. He gas given us a physical manifestation of His physical presence until He comes again.
The things you are saying did not emerge as a teaching until what, 1600 years after Christ ascended into heaven?
Do you eat words or do you read words?
Both. The spiritual application is eat. The literal application is read.
And CHRIST said in John 6
oh that’s right you don’t believe in john 6 and instead of using the bible to interpret the bible, you use one misinterpretation to discount the central teaching of the gospel
The central teaching of the Bible is that the Blood of Jesus Christ was spilled to pay the debt for all of the sins of the world and that your belief, and acceptance, of this payment for your sins, gives you salvation in Christ. I can use both the Old and New Testament show you this exact thing. Even my morning Bible read, Psalms 51, speaks of it.
You have one chapter and you are misinterpreting it. Are you trying to save your flesh or your soul?
By the way, I have not at all disposed of John 6. I interpret it spiritually and this can be compared to many other verses for confirmation. I gave these versus to you already^^. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, not in a piece of bread.
Jesus is God
God can be both present in the Eucharist as the apostles taught, and as he himself taught (this is the spiritual interpretation of John 6 since what happens is spiritual which is obvious since the bread does not turn into meat like some magic trick), as well as at the throne in heaven, since He is God. He gas given us a physical manifestation of His physical presence until He comes again.
The things you are saying did not emerge as a teaching until what, 1600 years after Christ ascended into heaven?
He gas given us a physical manifestation of His physical presence until He comes again.
For what? His shed blood isn't enough?
The things you are saying did not emerge as a teaching until what, 1600 years after Christ ascended into heaven?
I don't what you are talking about. The people saved in Acts 2 by belief, which is what I believe, weren't saved by munching on wonder bread.