2000 Mules is proof. It offers evidence of fraud that changed the 2020 election. Maybe things are happening behind the scenes (or already have), but I'm looking at the states where there seems to be 1 step forward, 2 steps back with regard to correcting the voting process AND fixing the 2020 election.
Waiting for more Americans to wake up is a general statement. There's no way to measure that.
Waiting for state officials to do something is easier to measure, but is taking a long time and efforts seem to always so easily be derailed by a Clinton-appointed judge, or someone who is bought off or blackmailed and who throws a wrench into the mix at the last moment to set it all back again.
So, I am curious what you all think? We will head into the mid-terms and see the same shit happen again? Or will certain states, or perhaps the country, be placed under Marshall Law for the mid-terms to ensure a fair election?
When will the window of opportunity to do the right thing close?
He also said “you’re going to be very happy.” My life is tearing apart at the seams now. Need to do something QUICK.
And remember, according to the War Manual of the military there is NO statute of limitations on a stolen election. They’ll pay. We have to remain calm & patient to let them do their job. Any of us that followed DJT in his life before becoming POTUS or watched him closely during his 4 yrs in the WH KNOW he will NEVER let this go. It’s treason on him if he does.
Can you copy and paste the text?
IF, and that is a huge if, we have a legitimate election in November, the window will be open for a long time. The system will continue to plod along and there will be significant but slow progress.
If as expected, the election is illegitimate, the window closes the day the new Congress is seated. At that point, if the white hats in the military have not moved in an unprecedented manner against the domestic enemies in the District of Corruption, the media, and the oligarchy, this has all been a farce.
All of the information you know has been going on, and has been brought to Congress years ago in other elections.Working on this 17 years.
Claus von Stauffenberg and his allies never let it go either.
May Donald Trump and his allies fair much better.
The consequences for all of humanity are greater now than 80 years ago.
Well it looks like that time is coming to an end. There are some that are so arrogant about their treason that they brag about it on Twitter. They deserve the penalty for treason.
Two more weeks, or soon™️, or the plan doesn't revolve around your schedule.
Take your pick. But things are happening. Just in a chess match kind of way
to most of us here we dont notice how fast things are actually going . we all know and see so much of this crap we dont realize it... for the DC timeline it is going really quick....