I think everyone is going to feel really stupid when they realize that Patriots put the fake Biden in to let him win so they could set the trap for the rest of the global deep state.
I am not so sure they will ever let the sheeple in on that part of the plan. A lot of people would be furious at all that was lost. People have lost their lives, their livelyhoods, and everything they have spent their lives working over.
Telling them you let it happen might be a very bad idea.
If the Democrats installed the (original) impostor to begin with then this is all the Patriots would need to reveal. They wouldn't need to reveal any secondary (or flipped) impostor in order to convey whatever lesson is necessary.
I don't know, maybe people will be grateful if they see what was avoided and how this was the way to avoid it. It's hard to tell what people will accept.
Clever people will work out that Biden 2 was allowed to win when more evidence comes out and.
yep that's me🥸 I do think he's the original, but I bet there are also masks involved; to keep us guessing and analyzing. like these older videos, his face is much puffier.
I also know that JFK Jr. was fond of masks, so assuming Q uses them. and wonder if there's CGI too. maybe some of these people aren't even real/some of the peripheral players, so the movie has more background characters. Remember the scene in home alone, where the bad guys think McCauley Culkins character is multiple people, because of all the contraptions he set up. Q reminds me of that;)
I think everyone is going to feel really stupid when they realize that Patriots put the fake Biden in to let him win so they could set the trap for the rest of the global deep state.
I am not so sure they will ever let the sheeple in on that part of the plan. A lot of people would be furious at all that was lost. People have lost their lives, their livelyhoods, and everything they have spent their lives working over.
Telling them you let it happen might be a very bad idea.
When people realize what the alternative would have been they may see things differently.
If the Democrats installed the (original) impostor to begin with then this is all the Patriots would need to reveal. They wouldn't need to reveal any secondary (or flipped) impostor in order to convey whatever lesson is necessary.
I don't know, maybe people will be grateful if they see what was avoided and how this was the way to avoid it. It's hard to tell what people will accept.
Clever people will work out that Biden 2 was allowed to win when more evidence comes out and.
Can't predict this one.
and I think that's part of the plan.
we've been witnessing a worldwide presentation of good cop/bad cop; they're both working for the same side. tricking the 'monolith' JFK warned about.
just imagine what people would do if DJT and Joe Biden walked out together and said they're Both a part of Q🥸😱😉
Especially if they both take a bow and Biden takes his rubber mask off!
edit: Oh yes, I remember that you reckon Biden is the original Biden who has now flipped to white hat.
In that case, no rubber mask!
yep that's me🥸 I do think he's the original, but I bet there are also masks involved; to keep us guessing and analyzing. like these older videos, his face is much puffier.
I also know that JFK Jr. was fond of masks, so assuming Q uses them. and wonder if there's CGI too. maybe some of these people aren't even real/some of the peripheral players, so the movie has more background characters. Remember the scene in home alone, where the bad guys think McCauley Culkins character is multiple people, because of all the contraptions he set up. Q reminds me of that;)