Don't invest what you cant afford to lose. Why gamble with "everything". People are learning some very hard lessons. They are very volatile, that's why there is such high reward. And clearly those markets are very manipulated now also, probably with criminal assets.
This crypto crap is the world’s biggest scam, baiting the easy prey that is the huge mass of people who want money-for-nothing, don’t know history, and ignore logic.
The money (the real-asset product of people’s labor and creation) that got plowed into this scheme didn’t just evaporate. It was “reappropriated”.
This is the laughably-predictable end to every last uncollateralized “cryptocurrency”.
"Investing", shouldn't be more than "investing" in metals. See if metals where just as popular as crypto (which it should be logically) they would have manipulated those markets just as much, making it look worse than gambling. It's all by design to scare you back to Bidet bucks.
Don't blame the asset for globalist market manipulation, that's how you let them win.
To anyone sane, please recognize here how both greed and desperation dangerously lead people to taking complete leave of their capability for rational judgement.
To everyone else, good luck taking down the Synagogue of Satan by dumping your wealth into ridiculous internet tokens. 👍
Crypto is a psyop to both exfiltrate wealth from the middle class and to ease us into digital currency. It goes hand in hand with smart phone pay apps.
Personally I wouldnt touch any crypto with a 100 foot pole. Physical metals is where you should place you extra money. The same amount of gold used to buy a loaf of bread in 1850 will buy a loaf of bread now. That is value.
Don't invest what you cant afford to lose. Why gamble with "everything". People are learning some very hard lessons. They are very volatile, that's why there is such high reward. And clearly those markets are very manipulated now also, probably with criminal assets.
The whole problem is, it’s not “investing.”
And even gambling would be preferable to this.
This crypto crap is the world’s biggest scam, baiting the easy prey that is the huge mass of people who want money-for-nothing, don’t know history, and ignore logic.
The money (the real-asset product of people’s labor and creation) that got plowed into this scheme didn’t just evaporate. It was “reappropriated”.
This is the laughably-predictable end to every last uncollateralized “cryptocurrency”.
"Investing", shouldn't be more than "investing" in metals. See if metals where just as popular as crypto (which it should be logically) they would have manipulated those markets just as much, making it look worse than gambling. It's all by design to scare you back to Bidet bucks.
Don't blame the asset for globalist market manipulation, that's how you let them win.
Ok then. 🤪🤣🤣🤣
To anyone sane, please recognize here how both greed and desperation dangerously lead people to taking complete leave of their capability for rational judgement.
To everyone else, good luck taking down the Synagogue of Satan by dumping your wealth into ridiculous internet tokens. 👍
The same evil pricks are behind crypto…
Crypto is a psyop to both exfiltrate wealth from the middle class and to ease us into digital currency. It goes hand in hand with smart phone pay apps.
Personally I wouldnt touch any crypto with a 100 foot pole. Physical metals is where you should place you extra money. The same amount of gold used to buy a loaf of bread in 1850 will buy a loaf of bread now. That is value.