If they contain mRNA to instruct the body to produce spike proteins, they are poison, so they all are. Modernda and Pfizer went many steps further with their hydrogen (( graphene, Luiferese enzyme) and whatever, else. The only "safe" ones are saline.This was a real-time experiment, whoever took them, a guinea pig. Different batches could ( and likely did) have all sorts of extras.
You don’t get to declare immunity because your hospitals forced you to do so. That makes you not responsible to have a medical license. You could have researched and disagreed and quit. But you would rather kill people and obey, than lose your income.
I hope every doctor, nurse, and administrator that went along or looked the other way is ripped out of their home by the village mob and ripped limb from limb in front of their screaming families. They ALL deserve to die just as much as the politicians
I will not see a Dr. with a license and/or remained employed through all of this. My next Dr, will be someone that was fired or lost their license. I'm seeing a homeopathic Dr for an issue right now, it's going quite well.
All they had to do was poop this crap out in a year for any sane and logical thinking person to say"no , thank you" and be done with it. I'm still amazed how many were convinced to take it within a matter of months. I still see people wear cloth masks. It's egregiously wacky and sad. 🤡💩
Does anyone know if this is an uncommonly high number for a biologic? I might guess this isn't an order of magnitude or anything more than plenty of drugs that aren't experiencing this kind of wild variability and killing and maiming people at these rates. I find it far more likely the variability serves some purpose and isn't a result of component variability. When I worked for a nutracetical company we tested every lot of everything that came in for potency and composition and we faced nowhere near the regulation a drug manufacturer would.
From what we've learned, we have biolabs everywhere. Being from different countries could still mean coming from the same people that brought you the WuFlu
Let's examine the quality control, and manufacturing safety procedures for all that stuff in the jabs. Is that not publicly available information?
If they contain mRNA to instruct the body to produce spike proteins, they are poison, so they all are. Modernda and Pfizer went many steps further with their hydrogen (( graphene, Luiferese enzyme) and whatever, else. The only "safe" ones are saline.This was a real-time experiment, whoever took them, a guinea pig. Different batches could ( and likely did) have all sorts of extras.
You don’t get to declare immunity because your hospitals forced you to do so. That makes you not responsible to have a medical license. You could have researched and disagreed and quit. But you would rather kill people and obey, than lose your income.
I hope every doctor, nurse, and administrator that went along or looked the other way is ripped out of their home by the village mob and ripped limb from limb in front of their screaming families. They ALL deserve to die just as much as the politicians
I will not see a Dr. with a license and/or remained employed through all of this. My next Dr, will be someone that was fired or lost their license. I'm seeing a homeopathic Dr for an issue right now, it's going quite well.
Hey, nice Pepe, is it new?
All they had to do was poop this crap out in a year for any sane and logical thinking person to say"no , thank you" and be done with it. I'm still amazed how many were convinced to take it within a matter of months. I still see people wear cloth masks. It's egregiously wacky and sad. 🤡💩
Do you have a screenshot of the article? Or a link where you don’t have to sign in? Thanks!
Does anyone know if this is an uncommonly high number for a biologic? I might guess this isn't an order of magnitude or anything more than plenty of drugs that aren't experiencing this kind of wild variability and killing and maiming people at these rates. I find it far more likely the variability serves some purpose and isn't a result of component variability. When I worked for a nutracetical company we tested every lot of everything that came in for potency and composition and we faced nowhere near the regulation a drug manufacturer would.
Well, that's what they're going to blame it on...
Complexity on purpose?
Using gamification techniques to distribute the good with the bad?
Was the intent not to cause equal harm but to make it seem that only 20% get adverse reactions to a depopulation scheme?
More shots means the gamble pays off at some point?
All good questions for investigators to chase once the trials start
Drip, drip, drip . . .
From what we've learned, we have biolabs everywhere. Being from different countries could still mean coming from the same people that brought you the WuFlu