Anon summarizes the Buffalo shooting incoherences
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Same with that vegas 'ff'
Oh, there was A LOT of video of that event.
Many smart phone videos.
Not one showed any shots/flash bangs coming from the Mandalay Bay. Not even a broken window.
But there WERE what appeared to be gunfire coming from the black sky BETWEEN the buildings. Speculation was that the shooter(s) was/were in a helicopter.
And only a small pile of brass on the floor of the alleged "shooter's room."
I uploaded a video I found taken by a taxi driver, who would have been right under the window of where the shooter supposedly was at Mandalay Bay because I found it interesting.
You can clearly hear gunfire coming from two different directions that does not match each other. You can't hear the echo before the actual gunshot, so I just immediately delete the comments that say, "Duh, these are just echoes, derp." I'm actually surprised that YT hasn't deleted the video by now. I typically just upload nerd crap to my YT channel, but on occasion I'll share vids like this and this one has consistently been in the top 3 most-watched video on my channel per month since then.