Anon summarizes the Buffalo shooting incoherences
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You mean at the end, right? I saw head juice spray when he shot her. I wasn't convinced it was real until then. Until then I wasn't sure if it is real or not. Usually when people are shot, it's not like an over-the-top Paul Verhoeven movie that goes overboard on the blood squibs. I've never even gone hunting, but AFAIK the bullet will go through clothing and then a moment later they begin bleeding. I dunno, you may be right, but this one looked real and I'm not entirely in the mood to re-watch it. I probably should, though. The NZ Christchurch shooting was fake though. Two guys jumped the shooter as he walked in, then after disposing of them he walks into the main room and everyone is just huddled together and he starts shooting. Nobody tried to jump out the window? No poofs of sheetrock as bullets hit the walls? Disappearing ejected brass? Fake.
I was referring to the woman on the floor when he goes inside. I did see the gross splatter at the end, but why no splatter on that person on the floor early on? Also, the muzzle "puff" (I don't know the correct term) seemed to be extremely high, almost more like a shotgun than a rifle. Definitely some weirdness going on.
Maybe you're right. I didn't catch that, and the vid's been removed from Rumble so I can't check. Seeing the bullets go through the glass like that and the head splatter at the end convinced me enough it was real, and I never saw any puffs of sheet rock with bullets hitting the inside of that mosque in NZ. If the Buffalo video was real, they sure put a lot more effort into it than the NZ one.