the proposed merger (the “Merger”) of DWAC Merger Sub Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Merger Sub”) and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Digital World Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation (“Digital World”), with and into Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., a Delaware corporation (“TMTG”)
Absolutely no need to buy DWAC when you can buy the warrants. Warrants are undervalued right now compared to regular stocks. You instantly make your money back when you exercise the warrants at the current price vs waiting for DWAC to go up.
With DWACW you have the option to buy a share of DWAC. At conversion you have to pay $11.50 per share, but DWAC is about $44 and DWACW is about $13. So it is like paying $13 for an option to buy a DWAC stock for $11.50 at some time in the next few years. So at today's prices, you have about a $20 cushion. DWACW is safer, you risk less money, with a pretty good upside.
This is my understanding, anyway, without having read the document. It is possible that the document could change some of the parameters. Caveat Emptor
DWAC is the actual Stock.
.....PROS: you have a full share
.....CONS: you paid retail.
you could lose them if it falls apart.
DWACW are warrants (options to buy)
.....PROS: you have 1/3rd invested so your risk is lower if something terrible happens.
you have more of them you can buy on your limited investment money...
Aha ok thank you for that info! I only bought as much as I was prepared to lose of the DWAC stock. That will still roll over to whatever combo new company is formed, right?
To The Moon
What's this about?
Absolutely no need to buy DWAC when you can buy the warrants. Warrants are undervalued right now compared to regular stocks. You instantly make your money back when you exercise the warrants at the current price vs waiting for DWAC to go up.
And you can buy 3 (DWACW) for the price of one DWAC... then pay the exercise price and a small fee to get full share DWAC after Sept.
I scarfed up a bunch at $11 on the last dip... anything under $20 is a steal and will double your investment most likely.
(not financial advice.)
I guess I should buy more?
I'd wait until the merger is approved and Truth Social appears on the NASDAQ but then I'm very conservative in my investments.
There will resistance like in the Clint Eastwood movie The Gauntlet from letting that platform being traded on Wall Street.
There already has been a ton of resistance. DWAC has been getting shorted since the ATH. Buy warrants while you can. Cant go wrong.
Which one are you in? DWAC or DWACW
Both. I have been buying more W's as of late.
Less liability with W's I would imagine.
The shares are $18, if the stock is $100 at the time of merger, I can sell a bag to make enough to purchase and hold the rest.
At conversion don't you have to pay $10 extra per share of DWACW? I should check Fidelity.
With DWACW you have the option to buy a share of DWAC. At conversion you have to pay $11.50 per share, but DWAC is about $44 and DWACW is about $13. So it is like paying $13 for an option to buy a DWAC stock for $11.50 at some time in the next few years. So at today's prices, you have about a $20 cushion. DWACW is safer, you risk less money, with a pretty good upside.
This is my understanding, anyway, without having read the document. It is possible that the document could change some of the parameters. Caveat Emptor
I bought mine through Fidelity and I do not recall seeing that kind of up charge. I could be wrong. Let me know what you find out.
🚀🚀🚀 🌝🌝🌝 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
How does this bode for investors?
What does that mean?
DWAC is the actual Stock. .....PROS: you have a full share .....CONS: you paid retail. you could lose them if it falls apart.
DWACW are warrants (options to buy) .....PROS: you have 1/3rd invested so your risk is lower if something terrible happens. you have more of them you can buy on your limited investment money...
.....CONS:you could lose them if it falls apart.
Aha ok thank you for that info! I only bought as much as I was prepared to lose of the DWAC stock. That will still roll over to whatever combo new company is formed, right?
Yes that's my understanding.
Much appreciated😁