How Real are Your Dreams?
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Dreams are weird.
One time i had a dream and blah blah blah.. i ended up looking down the barrel of a tank, and it shot and all i could see was white, and that's when i woke up because my mum had turned on the light and i had to get up for school. I spent all day wondering, how did my dream know the light was about to come on and have me look down the barrel just before it went off?
I'm still perplexed about this even decades later
I had a dream awhile ago where an evil group of people were trying to abduct me. They got a hold of me and then the ring leader went white and looked really scared and said, "We can't touch this one, she is protected by God!"
I only have dreams about sex. Guess nothing prophetic lmao.
But if Multiverse of Madness is right, I must be in a boring universe.
I dreamed that I was another person, seemingly in the past, in the forties or fifties. I was somewhere in the Pacific NW where I have actually never been, a small fishing town. I went in the bathroom of a diner, and looked in the mirror - the person was not me. It was an old person. I touched the mirror. It was me doing it but not me in the mirror. I was very old, very sunburned, my white hair sticking out like a doll. I was aware of my son speaking to me, but felt tired. I don't have a son in real life.
I did have a weird dream recently - sorry no pix. I dreamt I had a flight layover in SF and as I was hustling to the gate I had all kinds of troublevgetting there - one thing after another but the most memorable was a crowd of people surrounding an old lady kneeling on the floor - as I made my way thru the crowd I recognized Nancy Pelosi on all fours licking up urine off the floor. I remember wondering if it was her own. The dream was so vivid and real I woke up my spouse to tell the story. I am flying next week and it has been several years since my last flight - I think I am having some PTSD - Pelosi Toungue Sipping Disorder.
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Dreamhealer Jeff Duntemann
Honestly, my dreams are farked but for others it's de ja vu experiences. I instead get pre 'intuition' while awake
I dreampt about being in an elevator the night before I read about the Asian family falling 8 floors on one.
I have lost dreams. I am lost in an unknown and unfriendly city trying to find my way home but I never do. All I do is get lost even more.
I have very controlled lucid dreams every night every since the 90s. I can do anything in them.
If you're like me any thought of sex ends it.
I have full control. Here is an example of a dream I have had.
I love lucid dreaming, but man, it can be exhausting!
I had to re-learn how to fall asleep normally so that I could actually get rest haha
Yeah, I can't help it. Ever since watching "hook" that night I lucid dreamt about flying over my house and I think it permanently changed my brain lol
This. It gets tedious and even boring. I like the surprise of regular dreaming over lucid. It also worried that being lucid all the time may be damaging the dream system. I know part of why we dream is to process memories. I feel everything you’re saying.
the only dreams i've had for years are apocalyptic survival, running from explosions and gunfire or scavenging for supplies. always in a different hotel or apartments or hospital, places i've never been to or seen. luckily i dont dream that often.
I have those but with sex mixed in lmao
well since you brought it up glad im not the only one, its normally with other women lol